What did you get in the mail this week (2013-2018)

YYF too h.o.t., King Yo Star Pax, 44rpm Blues and a YYF Elec-trick spin top ( just for trying something new)!


That Too H.O.T. is just freaking beautiful. The other ones, as well (including the spin top), but especially the Too H.O.T. I want one so badly. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Finally, my precious. :slight_smile:



Ohh pretty… what is that?

Format:C 8)

My “Dream” come true!!!

Peacebone Manatee! I call her Peacetee. First impressions: this yoyo rocks. Wide and smooooooth.

Beautiful Nightmare you got there :grin:

My personal grail No-Jive :slight_smile:

Pic please. :slight_smile:

This is the result of about two years of searching, couldn’t be happier!


I hope the thrill of finally finding it was as sweet as the hunt! Enjoy that yoyo, it is a fantastic piece of history.

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Some more jaw dropping JNCOs. :wink:

I was amazed when I received my Team Losi Cherry. It can be converted from a responsive bearing to a fixed axle. WOW!

Thats sweet,gonna have to get one next week!

Didn’t get this in the mail, but a co-worker gave it to me last week. Had never been opened, was bought in the 90’s and that dust is also about 20 years old. My wife had just mentioned something about light-up YoYo’s to me the week prior, pretty ironic. To my surprise, the batteries actually worked! It’s great for a quick walk with the dog at night; just constantly shoot the moon!

I will be getting a Skyva on Friday though, cannot wait! I’ll upload some some pics when I get it.

Thanks, Mike!

Heres my mail day yesterday love them

The first in my excursions away from OneDrop, which is all I’ve been buying for about a year. Didn’t like the Cabal, so trying something with slightly more slender curves in my search for a back up plastic. 8)
