What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Where can the Tingsu be found?


i forget off the top of my head but retail was roughly around $120ish, a little less for plain colorways a little more for fancy ones. someone correct me if im off the mark here, presale was 6 months ago and payments were broken up so its a little hazy for me.


The dude who sellin em is doing so on FB in some of the groups


Cool thank you

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gracias primo! I’m looking at one rn just wanted to make sure pricing is right

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G2 Slingshot.


Cabal guts.


:fishing_pole_and_fish: back again. This time minty.


posted this in the wrong thread lol


Thanks to @Wildo for making my dreams come true!!


Didnt see the 650B’s for ever. Now they are popping out of the woodwork.


Shhhhh :wink:


Oh, it can get worse. Like when it goes hours past your location, to come back, then sit in shipping limbo.




That’s really cool to hear! I just bought my first DD yoyo, the Monarch and glad to hear such a good guy is behind the product. Best wishes to your son. I’m a father too, I can’t imagine how tough that would be, it made me tear up just reading it. I am new to all this but I’ve been checking out the forums for a while now, just don’t post very much yet but I saw your post and just had to reply. Again best wishes to you and your son.

On a lighter note, I’m loving my Monarch, so I see more DD Yoyo’s in my future (I’m a collector at heart). Reading threads such as these just makes you want to buy buy buy! I should probably stay away, if I know what’s good for me, I picked up the yoyo after buying a 3 pack for a stocking stuffer for my daughter (well Santa did, of course). The short of it is, she has no interest but it ignited mine, especially when I Googled why I couldn’t get the yoyo to sleep (I remember being fairly decent when I was a kid), once I learned they have ball bearings in them and saw the unresponsive ones, I just had to try them. Now, I already have about 26 of them and I just keep wanting more. I’m absolutely hooked!


If you really like the Monarch, try to get your hands on the Emotion! :v:


I’d second the Emotion, but really encourage the Assassin and Oasis if you can find one. They are my first stainless steel throws and they really are different from any of my others. Awesome DD quality, and they look super nice. Play is outstanding, and they both have their own character. Hard to pass on a DD.


@skeevs & @danotje I take it all these are no longer in production? I haven’t gotten to the point in my hobby where I’m into looking for hard to get or obscure throws yet, though, I’m likely to get there at some point. It’s funny how most hobbies have a lot of similarities between them. I’m also into pipe smoking, the old man pipe smoking of the past and it shares a lot of similarities to YoYo’s believe it or not.

Edit: I see the Emotion is on the current market… it’s made it in my wish list and who am I kidding, I’ll probably buy it before the end the day. Thanks for the recommendations.

Current favorites are anything from iYOYO. I have 3 Shooting Stars (perfect for practice) & two iMPACT’s, 1 iCEBERG & the Hidra NXG (thinking about getting a back up)
Editing to add the Sonic Wave, how could I forget the Sonic Wave… I love that throw!

Favorite brands or yoyo houses (so far): iYOYO & Yoyo Friends. Dressel Designs might make that list.

I’ve had some bad luck with Yoyo Factory throws but still enjoy the ones I have that didn’t have some manufacturing flaw.


I had one marked as delivered (was my most expensive purchase to date) and it didn’t make it to my parcel locker until 36 hours later. That was a rough 36 hours, lol.


First, welcome to the Forum!

Second, Thanks for thinking about Charlie!

Yea, it is tough seeing my son go through this… We had always felt lucky to have “healthy, happy kids”. This was a major curve ball…but, he is still here! We love him so much and are going to do everything we can for the little guy!

That’s awesome that the stocking stuffer yoyo’s from Santa got you hooked! :santa: :yo-yo: :yo-yo:

It’s a fun hobby. Sounds like you have a good collection going and you have good tastes in yoyo’s! :grin: