What did you get in the mail, 2024?


Ngl the G2 colours are unmatched, always great stuff


I’ve been very blessed lately. More than I deserve.

Square Wheels Rex


My Upheaval Expansion finally arrived from Japan. Definitely aligns with modern day performance widths. Love it!


Just arrived, and staying in their packages.


Idk if you’ve tried the base Upheaval but I’m curious how the two compare. I got my Upheaval recently and it’s a killer throw.


Yes, I have a few base Upheavals and honestly they essentially play identically, just the width of the expansion is noticeably wider. Both versions feel like they play at the same pace given the same effort. Here’s a photo of the widths next to each other for reference


Had an expense come up, so I ended up snagging a Deviant+ and I’m LOVING IT!!!


Well that’s no fUN. :wink: :smile_cat: dUNcan=⇂⇂11


Nimbus Production made it in yesterday (orange and acid wash)


I’ve been looking at the upheavals… How do they play compared to an OG draupnir? They look sooo similar in profile

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haha i actually made a comment about the upheaval and draupnir here! but in short the draupnir feels more concentrated and more direct, while the upheaval is more floaty in comparison. despite the differences they still feel pretty similar. though it’s not canon, in my mind the upheaval is yyr’s refreshed version of the draupnir.


Oh man you have a matte blue :eyes:… want… Lol

Also good to know regarding the comparison! Thanks!


does it feel heavy or not?

I normally don’t post my mail days very often. But I feel it’s my duty to pass on what was done for me. I usually am very good at not buying into hype, especially since it seems like virtually every yo-yo gets praised by the person who bought when u ask them how it is. It’s even to the point where it seems like sometimes people are even scared of criticizing a yo-yo. I get that, this is a small community so it makes sense, but that’s why hype is never a factor in my purchases, for the most part. When it comes to these two, it’s not even so much that everyone is praising them everywhere u look. Not at all, but the people who are speaking out about them I could just tell that these two were both different and had the potential to be instant favorites by the way people have been speaking about them. So I actually sold some yo-yos I was very attached to, to get these. Let me just tell u now for any who still might not be paying attention to these. BELIEVE THE HYPE!! These yo-yos both looked attractive to me, but just on their own they were nowhere near the top of my priority list. But I’m so glad I changed that. I even got my first ever Clear colorway. I’ve never been a fan of clear throws. I love raw yo-yos. Especially raw organic. But clear has never been my thing. It was either clear or carbon/black. In any other case I would’ve just passed and waited for more colorways. But not this time. Couldn’t wait. The two yo-yos I’m talking about are the OD M2 and the ATMOS BUTTERBALL. Most yo-yos now a days are pretty great out of the box. They’re all smooth. And they can all perform. We’ve gotten pretty spoiled Id say. Sometimes after spending a bit of time with a yo-yo it might earn a spot as a favorite. The more u play it the more u realize how special it is. But then there are the yo-yos where u don’t even have to play it to know. You know when u throw that first break away and right away its love at first throw. u look down and go wow, and u get super happy cuz u know this is one of those. Both of these are In That category. So if you’re still sleeping on these two. Go grab em! Especially if ur a fan of organics, they both compliment each other perfectly too. They’re so different. It’s always a good mail day when one of the yo-yos u got wows u on the first throw. But when you go 2/2. :pray: and they’re both relatively affordable too!


Agree on the M2 but I’ve never tried a Butterball. That halfswap M2 is really good looking. Nice choice


Butterball is amazing


brat edition modern yoyos drop :fire::fire::fire:


customs are such an awesome way to get a yoyo too! jake’s anodizers doing work in the colors/techniques of your choosing?! impossible to beat lol


appreciate the kind words my friend, i couldnt be more stoked on how these came out. the wraith is a really nice one too!

these are black/blue/green wash, with bleach stars. three color washes only work with black in them, and sadly a lot of colors dont wash when black is involved. the anodizer was worried it wouldnt wash correctly, but this one came out so much better than expected.