Today was a very nice mailday.
G2 Carbine
Nugget Swirl
Thanks Dave, this photo with the UV light is terrific!
Prototype Format:C 2 (the heavier one with recessed cup on the right)
They… really should’ve released this one instead
Astrojax is where I got my first No Jive, years ago (also, my first Blackbird, Phantom, Spitfire, and Rainbow!). The only thing I dislike about mine is that the laser carving isn’t as dark as I’d like, but yours looks great!
I’ve checked in on the store over the years and I’ve held off on ordering from it, partly because it doesn’t get updated much (the blog hasn’t updated since 2013 and the twitter account hasn’t posted since 2020). Part of my brain just goes, “Surely he can’t still have these models in stock. Not with ebay prices being what they are.”
It’s really sad what Laurence has been through these past few months, but I guess I wouldn’t have been sure the store was still operating without the news that he’d regained control of it.
Traded with @Lido .
Had manner-ly good trade, and this one’s quite my cup of tea
Got my last two yoyos I’ve been on the hunt for and two major collection goals have been or are so close to being completed!
Saturday Market Weekender. Big mega monster thank you to @yoyoretro for parting with this beautiful yoyo to help me finish my Saturday Market collection.
Unicorn Storm AL7 Respawn Lite. This is one I sold, and was luckily able to buy back, super grateful for this yoyo community.
Dude! That weekender is some of the best Saturday market I’ve seen. So sick!
The new 9 dragons is at least a fun yoyo, much less noisy and available in my favourite style fade. So i couldn’t resist after I’d tried someone else’s.
Hi-chews are by far the best candy
I need that.
A quick search later and 20$.
Could only find Spanish packaging though.
I should have stated the aluminum version.
I’ll get that also. Thanks!