What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Not in the mail but found at goodwill for a Buck.

First edition no less.


Got this beautiful guy in the mail yesterday after months with no mail day, thanks to @RBT that sold it to me at seriously an amazing price which was impossible to say no, the yoyo is the Atmos - Ekta ( @rnsy )and this is the first product I tried from Atmos, have to say that I am impressed, I wanted one from the very first moment I seen it on sell from Atmos and I knew that shape and this design resonate properly with me and my style of play.

I play with it 4 hours yesterday and I will start immediately with a negative point (and the only negative one for me), those pads are awful for my taste, absolutely grabby and snaggy, it is quite hard to do some kind of tech tricks using fat strings with those pads the yoyo wants to snag and bind, at the end of the practicing session I silicone it, so today I will use it siliconed which usually makes the yoyos very unresponsive, a very easy problem to fix.

I love the Atmos bearing, it screams quality as all the yoyo, it is quite silent spin forever and smoothly, can I say one of the best bearing I tried? Think I prefer it compared the DS that I usually use.

The yoyo is absolutely stunning, it looks great, love the shade of purple they used and the little engraving on the side, it is very classy, the yoyo fill my hands properly but the diameter doesn’t disturb at all chopstick and tech trick, this yoyo is a power machine and is done for competitions.
I had a super weird feeling first time I throw it both breakaway and horizontal, this yoyo it is supposed to be 67.3gr but it doesn’t seems at all, the weight distribution on this yoyo is just absolutely gorgeous, when I throw it I felt the first time a bit of heft that told me “I am here, you are throwing me” and immediately after I think for the first time I see the real definition of float, this yoyo not only spin forever thanks to a great weight distribution but also float around the strings with no effort, I was impressed from the very first moment, it felt like “home” is a yoyo that I had an immediate feeling with, is incredibly easy to manouvre, you can feel present but effortless, I was nailing all my tricks without any issue, is incredibly balanced, stable and strong, the gap and the shape allow easy rejections and allow easy slack catch, also the ones over the head or the weirdest slacks that you can do, zoning is also incredible, you can throw this guy around, your arms and your legs, one side or the other it always want to come back to you with zero effort, it seems like I had a magnet on the string!
In horizontal and behind the back is incredibly stable, once it was in horizontal position didn’t wanted to go away from that position, I felt the total power of the yoyo and his stability also being off axis, I felt “safe” doing risky tricks and even trying to push it to do a mistake, this yoyo really accompany your string, want the string to be catched which is insane.
Do not get scared about the diameter, this yoyo it kind of disappear in between the strings doing both busy tech tricks or chopsticks.
Overall is an amazing yoyo that can really deal with every setting, from the hardcore playing to the casual, it feels great and floaty and powerful, I think Atmos nailed to bring the best of every aspect of the yoyo and put it in a single yoyo that can make happy really everyone, I have to say that I am stunned about this product, it worth it’s 125$? Hell yes, if I had them probably I will buy another one for the sake of have 2 and do not be scared to destroy mine.

I can see that this yoyo has been designed from a very good player for players, every aspect has been taken care of, you can use it in any single way you want, it’s just a smooth overall satisfying experience.

Can I say that probably this is my favourite release of the year and probably one of my most favourite yoyo ever? I had the Seiji in the top list, I think the Ekta is even giving something more, I do not give votes to yoyos because I am not a reviewer but this is a 10/10 for me, do not know how you can go better than this, also considering I used it how it comes from the factory with those pads that I do not like, today I will use it siliconed as I like, I am waiting to be mind blowed again.


Nice write up and glad you mentioned the weight, the one thing that would make me hesitate. :hugs:


Honestly when I throw it I was like “WTH?!?”, I do not know how they did it but I would say that it was at least 2 grams lighter, it is impressive lmao I can see I am excited, this yoyo is so inspiring!


Nice, I’ve been waiting for you to do an overview. If it’s not heavy for you then I know I’m okay. Rare for you to be this excited about a release


It is certainly stunning with those beautiful shiny rims on that amazing purple. :drooling_face:


I found TM 31-210 Improvised munitions handbook at a Salvation Army years ago, haven’t seen it in a while though

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Atmos is wonderful


What is your review opinion on this one?


I don’t have a lot of time with it yet but so far I believe it’s very good. Took a bit to get comfortable with it but once I was I found myself really enjoying it. Good performer and really enjoying horizontal with it. If the bearing starts making noise it’s insanely screeching loud. The loudest I’ve heard from any yoyo. Kept playing and it quieted down and smoothed out. If you like the look I would say it give it a try. :grin:


Trick cards from yye for DMV throwers


Been wanting to try a Daytona SE for a while. This one will probably be living in my pocket. :grin:


Wow, that looks like a good one

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How does the JDS and the PRS play?


They play well together, if only the drummer can actually keep time :laughing:

Liking the JDS more every minute I play it. Had to get used to the shape, I was a bit clumsy with it initially. Bearing became very, very screeching like a banshee loud and then finally quieted up and calmed down into a nice smooth spin. Horizontal is fun with it, easy to control and maneuver about which I check right off with every yoyo I get. And no problem. And most importantly it’s lots of fun.

The Paul Reed is one of the very best electrics I’ve ever played. And I’ve been fortunate to play pretty much anything I’ve wanted because of a friend that has a couple warehouse’s of equipment. So, I’m comparing to various 58’s, 59’s and 60’s Les Paul’s. It’s a freak for sure. Lower output humbuckers that have a somewhat vocal quality to them. Korina body with Brazilian rosewood fingerboard. If you’re ever near me in California love to hookup and jam. And of course you are welcome to try any yoyo or guitar if you wish.


final mail day for a minute.

This one is ridiculously smooth 🫶🏽


New YoYoFactory Yoze…

Outstanding … both the Avant Garde and the Mega’s.

All wide yo-yos should play as well as the Mega’s.

Even, you are naturally prone to reject anything that would be considered a wide yo-yo… If there’s a chance a single chance of winning you over and making you shake your head and say wow I didn’t realize wiiide yo-yos could play this well…

This is that yo-yo.

The Avant Garde is amazingly fun to throw.

Some serious thinking went into both of these designs.


i had a similar sensation of the weight on paper being deceptive with their Polaris, it doesn’t feel at all like 67.5 grams. Atmos yoyos are incredible, and they’re one of my favorite companies


I agree with everything you said but I love the pads. I’ve been putting black Atmos pads in pretty much everything.

For reference I think Snowtires are too grippy and YYF white pads are slightly too slippy.