What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Are they really called Flat Earths? If so, that’s hilarious. I watch a lot of the Globe vs. Flat Earth debates on YT for the entertainment. There is a wealthy guy who is setting up what he’s calling “The Final Experiment” where he’s asked for 24 prominent figures in the YT community to participate on both sides of the argument (48 in total). He is also going to pay the way for 1 Flat Earther and 1 Globe earther to fly to Antarctica for 5 days in December to see if there is a 24 hour sun and prove once and for all we live on a globe. I have a feeling that the Flat Earthers are going to think up some excuse as why they won’t go on this all expenses paid trip to Antarctica. Just the mere fact that they can go there debunks their argument in the first place, they’ve always claimed that the Antarctic Treaty prohibits anyone from going there, which is obviously not true but they try to make everything fit into their flat earth “model”. If there are any flat earthers here… I’m not sorry. Science denial is becoming a huge problem in the world we live in today. If you want to believe we live on a flat earth, that’s totally fine but once you start preaching about it and spreading misinformation, then we have a problem because there are a lot of gullible people in the world that will fall for pretty much anything.


Check out the engraving on the Flat Earther. Turtle with Elephants standing on it, and the elephants are propping up the earth.

Turtles (and elephants) all the way down, man.


Perfection arrived in the mail today… one peice oak bloodcell. This one is a little thicker than current standards and weighs about 64 grams. Glen is absolutely killing it with these latest runs!



Snozzberry Swirl Wolf
Wolverine Blood Triton



The Yoyofactory/JDS Avant Garde has arrived.




Looks like a take on Terry Pratchett’s Disc World.



Adding to the flat earth party! Mine also came unresponsive out of the box. A bit of lube and it was responsive.

First impressions, fun!


It might be a contender to join my El Tio as my pocket EDC if they release some raw/clears or simple colorways. Try a flat bearing if you have any on hand. I think it’s a bit snappier.


I wanted a black splatter w/ no engravings but they were the first to sellout.
Hopefully they’ll do another run.


always wanted one of those wolves but could never find one… nice find!

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Sccoped up a second Metatron Cube by my Sponsor Enso yoyo, low key in love with this yoyo :innocent::pray: Now time for some 3a! (Jk)

Stop by the booth at RMR to check them out in person :grin:


more friends

Origen - Confusion (minus hubstacks for now) - El Mijo Poly - PLTPS Lite

I haven’t got to play with them much as they all showed up today.
I strung em up and gave them each a few throws and I’m happy all around.

I will say I’m delighted with the color of the confusion as it was a blind buy from A-May-Zing sale.

But the PLTPS Lite is something thing else!
Had a smile on my face for the entire 5 minutes I threw it around. It feels so nice in hand and is super snappy, definitely a stand out so far.

Super stoked for the long weekend, I get to throw these new beauties and enjoy some time with the fam!!


A Unicorn for me, and a Unicorn for a friend that I picked up during Mark’s birthday sale last week! (The red one is mine :slight_smile: )

I’m surprised how little fanfare I ended up seeing about the stonewashed finish on the red Unicorns. Tumbled finish is so sick, in a way it sorta feels like if One Drop made a bimetal yoyo. I figured more people would be into having a super unique novelty finish on a yoyo, but I guess not? I’m a huge fan of pyramatte (which this isn’t, but feels similar), so I’d love to see this finish on more yoyos in the future.

I’ve tried a couple different cap setups but I think I’m gonna settle on capless. The cap options are neat, but having a 55g yoyo that you don’t have to compensate at all for during your play is cooler and more unique imo. I had a GOPA in the past and really enjoyed it, but I feel like the Unicorn is giving me a lot of the same appeal of the GOPA, while feeling even lighter and fluffier in play. This is an amazing replacement for my old GOPA.

Even if you have zero interest in the spintop style cap stuff with the unicorn, if you have any interest at all in comfy fun sub 60g yoyos, the Unicorn is seriously worth picking up. I was telling my friend that I feel pretty confident in saying the capless Unicorn is gonna instantly be a mainstay in his regular yoyo rotation lol.


Wow! Going hard in the paint.

Remember, you can “Tune” the response on these if they are not to your liking.

Welcome to the madness.


The pltps lite seems like an awesome variant


I got one more in the mail and then I’ll be good ( famous last words amirite?).

I want to string swap and find a good match for each yoyo, I have a handful of YYSL Type X and Ammo and Buddha Fat plus what ever string shipped with each one.

got any resources on response tuning?
I still need to brake most of these in but it would be good to know.

thx in advance.

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it is really cool, it has a totally different feel than the others.
It came with a pretty short string which I suppose if for 0A. is there a recommend length for that kind of play?
I’m not getting a bunch of spin time out of the box but I’m going to tinker with it a bit after I finish my presentation for tomorrows meeting… dang work getting in the way of yoyoing


I think it’s geared more toward looping, which is usually a shorter string.


This is correct. The PLTPS Lite is designed by DocPop with a stated goal of thinking about how to blend looping and 0A. He demonstrated a few tricks on Patreon where he goes from loops or hops into lunars or reverse lunars, and then uses the stall to transition to the opposite motion.