What did you get in the mail, 2022?

Got my hands on some G2’s I’ve been wanting to try for a minute, Valhalla and Arbiter - courtesy of @JEA86! Loving both so far, but the Valhalla really is something special! This is the brass version so (from what I understand) it’s slightly heavier than the SS version. I think it’s a fantastic weight, but would be curious to try the SS version still. @G2_Jake sure does know how to make some premium throws!


Anyone else getting in on the A-MAY-ZING sale? I just got a splash Bi-Metal for 25 bucks, but missed out on most of the Ti sale and a gray iQ despite checking in regularly over the past few days.


I might be hiding the credit card bill next month. :grimacing:

But as for mail:

Another BST listing I couldn’t resist. Plays similarly with either bearing, but I’m leaving the thin one in for now. It’s amazing how an inch one way or the other on string length can really change everything, too.


Thanks for the write up! I’m glad that it plays pretty similar to the original since the original played great.

Awesome! Thanks for the info!

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Agreed - it’s great! I love the size, shape and response. It’s a really nice yo-yo!

The big downside for me is that it doesn’t have spikes like the original. Whether it was a limitation of the machine shop or an intentional choice (although when I asked Jordan prior to pre-order he said he was hoping they were as sharp as the original version), I’m pretty disappointed that they didn’t make it into the final product.


Some b grade made in the USA goodness. YYF Kapital and 44


Yesterdays mail: Turning Point Leviathan 8


One Drop Panorama, not sure what I think of it just yet


Color coordination was only a little intentional, simultaneous delivery entirely coincidental :grin:


The new Freehand One lineup has to be my favorite yoyos I’d say! This was an end-of-semester gift to myself, haha.


I’m doing another yoyo swap with a forum member. This time with @SammyCaboose
I lent my Ordinal 1 out to try an a-rt Quail, and they were nice enough to hook me up with some summer tires alongside it.

I got the last of my ancient pads replaced, and I’m amazed at how summer tires on the Arctic Circle 1 almost transform the yoyo. Spin times feel so much longer now that just a few string layers don’t immediately start killing the spin. I feel like if I was competent enough to sili recess the AC1 it would’ve achieved the same result. But since I’m not comfortable applying silicone, summer tires accomplish this perfectly. The AC1 still doesn’t really hold a candle to how much the Boy improved upon it, but it’s still a great yoyo.

Haven’t had enough time to really form an opinion on the Sparrow but it’s giving me big metal Freehand vibes which is a very good thing.


Wow, I always thought the Sparrow would be small because of the name. I have a pair of Summer Tires, but haven’t had a reason to use them yet.

That looks like a Dale or a Quail, the Sparrow is only like ~50mm


Oooh, you’re right I looked back through our DMs and this is a Quail. My bad! This is the first a-rt I’ve tried (I’m ignoring the DK since it’s outside of their normal organic lineup), and I really don’t know much about the brand, so most of their models are just things I’ve passively heard about. I think(?) the sparrow exists and is also an A bearing yoyo too?

Also @Lido if you ever have a CLYW that feels too snaggy, try throwing your summer tires into it. They sit slightly recessed. Here’s summer tires in an AC1 vs snow tires in a boy. That little recess matters a lot more than you’d expect.


Some fresh damas. NLK Tamagucci v2 and Sweets Supernog Legend mod in cushion clear.

Trying to learn lunars lol


I really recommend giving it a shot on less desirable throws. I did it once early on because I didn’t want to buy pads (already had silicone) and I never looked back, I’ve literally never bought pads. I wouldn’t say just go full silicone, but having the option is huge. Don’t be too afraid, if you have questions feel free to PM me and I can help.


Siliconing is deceptively easy to do, just requires patience. 100% with you to try it.

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Thanks. I believe it. A few throws I’ve gotten from D4nnyb0y had silicone recessed and it’s great. The first time I cleared out the silicone and put pads on because it wasn’t responding how I was used to, but the next couple I just kept as is and they’re great. And the Summer Tires look a little recessed like the silicone, which is the point ;).

Memory is coming back on the A-RT stuff: I think the Sparrow looks like a smaller version of the Garrett. The Quail has a tiny bearing, the Dale has a D and the Grail a C and they’re all li’l bowls.


Got my Retro Gamer today. Lighter than I typically prefer my fixies but still lots of fun. Really like the pattern on these


Been wanting a G2 Luna since they came out but held off. Love me some organic bimetal. Now i gotta track down a V2.