What did you get in the mail, 2022?


You think the original is worth owning? I have a fs and I think I’m fine having that and the daytripper


Ditch is nice. Feel in the hand kept making me think of the Parlay if it was shrunken down… Maybe that’s just me.


Fairly ridiculous mail day courtesy of a trade with @crash. Plus some new bearings from lotus.

Oops my hair is in the picture haha


Is that the new mustang mgss? @Evertonian

Could be? It’s one of the prototypes that was sold on mavetrick a couple months ago. Possibly a proto for the mustang Mgss. The cuts do look very similar to the Mustang. When it was sold it was just listed as prototype though so not 100% sure.


There was also a Counter Jet MgSS proto; that ones going to be about 50mm though so no mistaking it for the Mustang MgSS.


Yeap here’s the two proto’s and gachiska.


All of those look stellar! Do you have a favorite of the bunch and do you think they are improvements from the titanium versions? @Evertonian

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Hard to pick a favorite tbh they all play completely different from each other. The Mustangy one feels like the best performer though.

I think they are for sure improvements on the ti versions. They all feel like they come back to the hand harder. The gachiska I think for sure has stronger performance than the majiska’s but there could be an argument that the majiska’s have a better feel for some people.

The mustang one I think is a direct improvement on the mustang as I wasn’t a huge fan of the original but really like this one. It just feels a little more nimble but still keeps and possibly improves the power/stability.

The smaller proto I never played the original one so can’t say but I really like this one. Super unique feel. and immense power for it’s size. This was the first of the 3 that I got and it convinced me to try and get the others.


Got a pink glitter Speedaholic XX and a Frosted Euclase today. Both are really awesome, but the Frosted Euclase is really speaking to me.

I’ve been meaning to get some more machined plastics. It’s really amazing to me that you can get this good of a player for $30, and it hits different than an aluminum yoyo.


Yeah. There are tons of impressive plastic yoyos now.

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they actually play pretty differently, but im not sure if it would be worth it if you’re trying to keep a small collection. the main reason i got the FS is because i keep my superblack collection at work, so i needed another weekender at home, and this was the perfect amount of difference to justify owning both lol.

the original is lighter for sure, but the weight of the fs is added in the center, so it plays more floaty and flips a little better. the mass does make it feel a little less responsive but its a nice change. personally i prefer the fs to the original, but differences are minor



Awesome yoyo!!!

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Lots of worries, thinking, talking, two months of waiting, and these are finally here.
For real, one who really wants to do something - looking hard for opportunities.


It sleeps forever. It’s got a really nice finish. I’ve only played with it a little bit, but it also seems to be one of my most resistant yoyos to tilting.

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Pom Mojo
Bad Wolfe Co Marble Goldilocks strings



Getting closer to an og 5-star


I don’t have the OG 5 star anymore to offer up, but I may be putting these in the chopping block soonish. So if you see anything you like, keep your eyes peeled.

I tend to get attached and detached to round metal objects.