What did you get in the mail, 2022?

HPF and Hybrid from Mowl’s Japan Yoyo day release.


I’m so jonesing to try those gold Mowl strings. How are they?


I think they are just regular kitty strings right ?

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I think they are a Kitty x Mowl collab, in a sense. AFAIK, that gold color is unique to those Mowl-branded strings. There may have been a time when Kitty had gold strings as a standard offering, but I have not seen them anywhere since I began yoyoing (in 2018).


Yeah I think kitty has always kept gold strings exclusive. I think they were exclusive to Clyw for a minute but this appears to be less of a yellow gold more of a gold gold lol .

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I’m not surprised the galaxy time was really awesome for me may have to pick the z up also

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TBH, a little thick for my taste (and a little knotty on binds) so far. Feel nice though. Should have gotten regular weight I guess.

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What weight did you get?

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Fat. I figured if they were Kitty, fat wouldn’t be that fat, but they’re fatter than Kitty FC fat as far as I can tell.

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Is the hybrid worth it? So tempted to get one I’m just not 100% sure on it. Is it better than a decapo or serenade? Those are my top tier standards for delrin throws.

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Not sure I’m qualified to give an opinion. I kind of prefer polycarbonate to delrin. It plays well, but feels kind of slow…and light (which I actually like, though playing back to back with the HPF was a stark contrast). Probably not too different than a Da Capo though I’ve only had that one for a week or two also so not super familiar. They obviously have had them at YYE for a couple of weeks so hopefully someone who has one can chime in.



Good mailday UNknown FH and Butterfly AL


How are you finding the Surveillance HPF?

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TLDR version: HPF is nice.

I haven’t checked the specs, but it feels heavier than the Surveillance proper run from last year (which I should probably sell at this point). Just put a thin (“normal”) string on both of the Mowls and they’re great. Perfect binds. Balance / stability on both is above average (which I assume was part of the design). Not sure why the cost is so much more than the regular version, but if that’s the price to have a bit of HF connection, I’m ok with that. Especially since I haven’t had any luck finding an Oscillator in the past year or so that I’ve been looking. Obviously sort of an indulgence since I only got one and haven’t even really tried two handed throwing, but that’s where I’m at. Collector first, fan second, thrower third.


Wow that’s interesting. The weight on the Surveillance HPF is actually lower than the 7075 Surveillance, 64.8g vs 65.0g. Do you find that it moves on the string easily?

I’m guessing the higher price is thanks to the engraving, but I’m not sure. They got the artist that did the original 6061 Surveillance engraving to do the engraving on the Surveillance HPF.


I’m curious about this as well. It looks cool but $80 is a lot for a pom yoyo to me.


Hey now, it’s POM + Polycarbonate :wink:


Wow, that is interesting…and maybe tells you something about how useful my opinion is. :slight_smile: Didn’t know that about the engraving. I’ll have to compare them when I get home from work.

Definitely not qualified to talk about how it moves (I’m just starting Kwijibo on the trick ladder), but I’ll bring to DXL next time and hopefully someone can post their thoughts.

@ExYoyoAddict , agreed, but when I was splurging on the HPF, that seemed like nbd in comparison. Wouldn’t normally have picked that up, but the promo video for the HPF mesmerized me enough that it overflowed to the Hybrid.


Came with a free string, too. :slight_smile: