What did you get in the mail, 2022?

Did I miss the hummingbird being restocked?? :sob: Beautiful grab though!

Er, no, I got it off the BST here.


First throw in 2022, my buying has really slowed down as I’m finally getting the yoyos I’ve been after.

The Mini Star 2 is a solid little throw! Will have to try it when I’m more awake tomorrow :slight_smile:


Finally got these two. Was excited for both but the Spyder just vibes with me, such a fun little round lad. Spikes are pretty fun, if a bit sharp, but the 50mm diameter is where it’s at. Makes me real excited for a Hatrick one day. The Sat Market on the Free Solo came out pretty beautiful too. a chill blue on one side and a pretty vibrant pink on the other, very good all rounder this one.


Four weeks later and one of my two new throws has turned up! Just waiting on the Outlier 2 now.


Atmos B-grades
Cloudberry & Pomelo


My Pomelo came in as well! I had the Sky Blue in my cart but opted for Coco Butter instead. No regrets it’s such a rich colour that’s hard for me to convey with my photography skills! Also, it big. Banana for scale, I should buy some citrus.


YES! Absolutely love the Spyder to the point that I own 2 of them. Such a fun throw!


Where’d you find it? I’ve been looking for one

aw man that’s the dream! all three colorways are pretty sweet but the blue is the one i like the least. i would have regretted not picking it up knowing it’s now one of my favorites

lucked out in bst. i was actually not looking for it specifically but got offered it and was an insta buy haha

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I have the blue/silver halfswap and the purple/black acid wash. Both look pretty cool.

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My first multi-throw haul from this past Friday :tada:
One drop Deep State (Saturday Market) & General Yo Mini Star 2 (Temperence)

Both have been so enjoyable and a good challenge as they’re very different from the rest of my collection.


I’m interested.

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I somehow forgot that it was 61g! One of my biggest yet lightest. Very surprised on first throw. The sound it makes is quite pleasant. I like it a lot more with my thickest string.

Edit: Lightest metal yoyo I meant. I have a 36g wooden one and interestingly enough I found that, just in terms of how it feels when I throw it, their vibe is more comproable to one another than the pomelo is to any of my other yoyos.

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It sounds really fun to try. I’m putting it on my list.

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Browsed Instagram at the right time to buy a YYWS Capstan '22 Prototype from @yoyoworkshop_wayne – More thoughts and pics to come that I’ll add onto Marioyo’s review thread probably. I threw on a Zipline Executive Class lite string of mine as that seemed to play best and also made it look fancy.

Comfortable in the hand and definitely a capable slimmer organic throw that should appeal to many here…


One of my favorite mail days in a while! I received an awesome care package from my new friend @Xanadu. Literally wearing these socks tomorrow lol


Which one is better?