(Quietly posts more yoyos so the parents stop yelling in the happy fun mail thread)
Are both creeps dead smooth? And beautiful throws.
Dead smooth. Pun noted. They match the nobody’s perfects I also have. Regretted selling my previous a-grade black. Now a creepy happy family waiting for final release.
That Creep is still very very well loved @evildipper. My very favorite yoyo
Yeah you keep posting about it and rubbing it in… Had to get one back.
In this case, I’m glad to be a bad influence!
Always thought this YYF bag was so cool. Finally was able to find one and in perfect condition to boot!
My favorite yo-bag!
If you want to view it as me coming after you then fine. I view it as responding to the person who may see a different perspective.
Youre comin in hot on everything just take it easy
I was honestly just curious. Its over with. Hope you have a great day
Missed opportunity to call it Tiramitwo.
Hey gang, this is how you ding your new yoyo and then some.
Super nice day. Outside trying a fresh out of the mailbox Knot Creators Typo. Young neighbor excited to see some modern yoyoing action and interested to learn. I get her starting to bind on the Typo and I bring out the Quail to help demonstrate. She’s getting the bind 90% of the way after a short lesson. Ready to learn more, so I show her the breakaway. Soon a breakaway breaks too close my way and TING! With a faint scent of sulfur. Yes, Typo-Quail contact, with the results in the pic. I hid my pain so the neighbor kid was none the wiser. Despite the temporary pain, it’s ok in the end because sharing the joy of yoyoing is more important than my BST prospects. Ah well. The Typo is just what I had in hand at that moment. I’ll get over it. Swapping out for plastic next time, though.
Every damn time! I have a tupperware box handy with all my dinged yoyos in it so I only use those and plastics when I’m going to be out on a sidewalk etc.
It could’ve been worse. It could’ve been the Shaqshine FG I just got last week
Damn you, where did you find that lol
They don’t deliver mail on Presidents day. Every year I feel like I learn that lesson anew.
Worth the wait this year though
Got myself a Clear/Rainbow Shutter to complete my Rainbow Halfswap Shutter.
I’m selling the other one if anyone is interested =]