What did you get in the mail, 2022?

(FH1AL pics for size comparison)

i wouldn’t call the Kanto slim. it’s similar in size to the Freehand One Al, the SPYY Radian MK 2 or the Dif-E-Yo Tank (3 in my collection that i can compare to) but feels lighter and it’s bi-metal with a larger gap. another fine throw by @hobbygod. This will definitely get some time in the rotation.



One Drop Mail Day! Was finally able to get my hands on some brass SE’s, and figured I’d pick up a regular Terrarian (which I haven’t actually owned yet) while I was at it. Was also out of thin lube so I needed some of that as well. Really enjoying the Terrarian even more than I thought I would, and also having fun swapping out SE’s for these new brass bois and seeing what combos work best.


Yes! My End has come! I have to agree with the others, even though it’s really close, this is my favorite version of the End.


New unboxing a (rare) Stormberry and the Don! My son was excited to be in another video. Thank you @mag and @Sinister_Yoyos for the trades.
I was hoping to unbox a inception but I think it’s lost in Florida for now.


Ayy, so so glad that you got them safely and that you’re enjoying everything! I’m glad that the other half of my halfswap went to someone who appreciates it as much as I do! :smile: Trading with you is always such a pleasure, love seeing reactions to the packages I send out. Cheers!


Wait, what happened at the end?


solid advice my dude. thank you.
i had a tube of Park Tools Ploylube1000 in the garage. been there for decades probably.
de-shielded and put it in with a little q-tip type thing.
tricky getting the shields on and off. i usually don’t put them back on.
much better response now.



Usually I don’t even deshield. I just take a very small amount of grease on the end of a toothpick and stick it in the bearing seat. Instant response!

Glad it worked for you either way!


dude the fact that you’ve got all 14’s is killer’


My Ti End was suck in Memphis through the bad snow storm sin cr e the 2nd with no updates until it just showed up at like 9:30 this morning. So they may just be bottle necked and backed up due to the weather shutting down a lot of places for a few days. :man_shrugging:t2:




It’s not Camp Caribou Blizzard, but Harrison Hurricane was my second pick and I barely even care because of how cool the old FG engraving is. I mentioned this in the old CLYW thread but the GE is my favorite CLYW throw. I’m so stoked to have this one and I already broke the Fixed Axle February pledge to play with it haha.

The old Butterfly is kind of a beast, I’m surprised by how snappy and consistent the response is. These definitely play better than the new ones for stall tricks, but getting longer string tricks out of them is a struggle. This was thrown in as part of a trade from @adamantiumpops and I’m pretty happy to have this one to toss around.

The Burly is so good though. It’s honestly a bit of a struggle to play, because it’s kind of hard to control on regens, and the string wrap takes up so much of the diameter that it just wants to fall out of stalls. But these two things almost seem like more of a fun challenge than anything else. And with a 5mm axle it feels like it always packs a bit more of a punch on regens and on response. I need to try swapping to a shorter string later to see if it helps me with control and not falling out of stalls. I think that should do the trick. This is the first yoyo I’ve had that I think I’d describe as an amazing pocket yoyo lol.

Although a big chunk of excitement from this mail day has been taken away by having a couple components in my PC fail yesterday… I somehow wound up with a second Glacier Express that’s still coming in the mail, but I already regret purchasing that one. I bought it just a couple hours before I managed to get this awesome one. This FG is a permanent keeper, but I can’t justify holding onto a second. I’m just going to list the second and a couple other yoyos to recoup the cost of the PC stuff I had to buy last night :sweat: Life is weird sometimes.


Thanks to @PendingThrows24
The Throwback Civility in the House!


Yay! I hope you enjoy it :slight_smile:

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So far its really nice. Sure spins a long time. I have been playing the Baryon for a couple of weeks exclusively, so the Civility seems huge, and a bit easier to land things.

Thanks again.


I’m actually throwing mine now at the moment !! I’m not kidding :joy::joy: I don’t even know why its a b grade it plays perfect :sweat_smile: it’s that good I think you’ll like it !!!


@Yoyogeek15, are you stalking me or something :grin:. Seems like a lot of the time we are buying and or playing the same yoyo.
Did you say you had a Kanto and other way in, RK9?
I do as well.


Haha it’s all a coincidence somehow !!! And yeah I ordered the RK9 kanto as well :joy: I guess we both have good taste then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sweat_smile:


It’s definitely the good taste!


I got my Bumblebee!