What did you get in the mail, 2022?

By all means do whatever you want. I can actually make you a nicer version on my iPad with procreate if you want. I just doodled that by hand real quick on some cardstock for fun since I had no blank caps or know how to print on them.

I can also draw you whatever you want really… hit me up in the PM’s!


We are on the same page with this yoyo, the 50/50 is such a great organic. As a big fan of Generalyo (5 Star is probably my favorite yoyo of all time), I completely agree with the sentiment that “It feels like a Hatrick that ate another Hatrick”, lmao. It really does have that feel. The yoyo has tons of soul and performs like an absolute beast. I was hesitant about the width until I played with it, and it just might top the list of my favorite yoyos of 2021.

Cheers to @hobbygod for the great yoyo!


Thanks man!!!

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Got all these on the last week and a half. :arrow_backward: to :arrow_forward::

@MarkD x ThrowSpiral Sliver (B Cucumber): So good! To mirror the sentiments of pretty much everyone this thing is the most capable slim unresponsive I have so far. Love it. Finish is great, pocketable, does the tricks I know!

@BryanF x Japan Technology Trueño (Red): Only my second off string throw, but it feels high quality, and doesn’t come loose (so far) when it hits the floor like my Vosun V8 does. Definitely going to make 4April a treat.

@Glenacius_K Spinworthy Survivalist (Black & White Custom, old 4-hole response): What can be said that hasn’t already? A fantastic, absurdly durable, well playing, compact fixie. I was going to use an old wooden butterfly for Fixed Axle February, but I may go for this instead.

@tylerseverance Recess Nickel JoyRide: This one I didn’t think would be very good but I’m a sucker for plated yoyos. I was wrong, and it slaps hard fire (or whatever them damn kids are saying nowadays). Good weight,and feels bigger than it looks, which I love.

@edhaponik x TMBR PockeHt (Tiger King?): Amazing. Very usable despite the width, and as always a smooth experience all around.

Coffin Edition Thesis DaCapo: wanted it for the collection, plays as a DaCapo does, which is not exceptional.


That Nickel Joyride sounds like it’s bussin


Not necessarily recieved these in Jan 2022, but this was the last new yoyos I got which I recieved for Christmas and right afterwards- check em out!

Love each and every one of them!



Celebrated my 28th birthday on January 28th and my presents arrived in the mail earlier today. My partner got me SMTV which I’ve been wanting to play since it came out back in October, and I got myself my first Chief. And yup, the Chief is definitely the stuff. Something about this colorway really spoke to me too, normally I just go for solids but I really liked Brussels Sprouts when I saw it.

It’s still shocking to me how much better their anodizations used to be. Their new anodizations still mostly look good, the most recent run of Akitas were all great (the same can’t be said for the recent Boy run though). Something about old CLYW ano feels like there’s so much more character in them. It feels like there’s a lot more subtlety and depth to the colors and patterns in the old anodizations. Although maybe I’m just being blinded by nostalgia for yoyos that I wasn’t even around for the release of lol.


That chief is beautiful. :star_struck:


So this Baryon from YYF just arrived as I was leaving the house.
Ordered some DocPop strings, so I laced it up.
Haven’t had a chance to throw it yet, but is seems very nice.


Same here mine also arrived as I was leaving the house :joy: but I had mine for about 2 weeks now and trust me you won’t regret it. The baryon had me shocked by how much performance and quality it feels when you throw it even though it’s a nice compact yo-yo and I think that you’ll agree as well :grin:


But be warned that it may live in your pocket for a while :wink:


Can’t wait to get over some carpet.
Outside - 10c new uncut string.
Brand new yoyo. I am not gonna risk it. :rofl:
I can wait till I get home.


@Yoyogeek15 it would have to displace my Sliver, and they might be a task.
The Sliver is the first non responsive that I can put in my pocket and not even notice it!


I know how you feel you can never go wrong with carpet :joy::sweat_smile:


I have a something double or nothing for this reason. That thing is challenging but you forget it’s in your pocket

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:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heart_eyes: :brown_heart: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart:


Unconventional mail day but hifi is a hobby of mine. Finally got something to mix up in between the Moondrop s8 and jvc fdx1.


I got this senban for Xmas, which really is fitting to my tastes. I love it. I ordered the baryon and the sliver because they looked great and unique and visionary, and they do not disappoint me.


My first General-Yo since the Torrent and 5 Star.


Beautiful yoyos in here.
Oh, I also did get one of the new gamers, but I already gave it to someone. It was not for me. Pretty in pictures.

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