What day should I come up for worlds?

Worlds! I’v never been to a contest before and with worlds so close to home I can’t pass this chance up. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what the best day or two would be to go up there. I can only stay in Cleveland for one night so it would be 2 days back to back. The obvious choice would be finals but I was curious what others would have to say about it with it being my first contest experience. Im also super eager to see the Stargazing night on thursday so it’s one or the other! I would also appreciate if you could tell me what to kinda expect to see at the contest on different days. Looking forward to hear your thoughts! thanks - rev


Any is good, you could try the first few days and then see if you could stay longer. I’ve always tuned in to see the finals once they’ve been posted online and just enjoyed hanging out with friends. But I’m a weirdo🤷‍♂️. No matter when you come it will be a fun time.


Since you already stated that you can only spend one night in the city, then my suggestion will be based on that information.

Since you’ve never been to a world yo-yo contest, it doesn’t matter what city it’s in what state it’s in or what country it’s in, it’s gonna be very hectic, almost like a beehive.

Some people just go to look. Some people go to learn a few tricks and look. Some people go to learn a few tricks and look and meet people and shop for new toys. Some people go for everything. And some people go towards the end of the contest because all they want to see is the finals. Some people have been around the block a few times, are not even concerned about seeing the finals. Because they know from experience that they can watch the finals after and probably get a better view of the freestyles because there will be less distractions around them or in front of them to obscure their view or their ability to pay attention.

You mentioned stargazing night. I haven’t looked that up and honestly, I have no idea what that is other than what the title suggests. But if that’s a big thing out there and very interesting to you, It would probably be better for you to plan your trip to include the stargazing night. That would probably be a lot better in person than watching a video on YouTube about people stargazing.

If you’re there in time to watch any of the prelims… Anything short of the finals, would be very interesting and entertaining because the players are really trying to knock out some bangers to try to make it to the next stage of the contest. If you bring some money and you intend to shop For some new yo-yos, There will probably be a better selection before finals day. You’ll have more products to choose from and more vendors that are paying attention to making sales instead of wrapping up their booth sales as the craziness of the finals starts taking place.

Also, if you make it there before finals day, it will be a slightly more relaxed atmosphere where you will probably have a better opportunity to meet people that you only know from the forum and from a distance. You can learn a few tricks or teach a few tricks, depending on where you are on the trick ladder yourself.

So my suggestion would be to plan your trip to include your stargazing adventure, and just save viewing the finals for when they’re posted within a week of the contest. It will still be a lot of fun and great to watch the finals with the added feature of possibly when you miss a trick, you can always replay it. if you’re there in person and you miss a trick or you’re looking around somebody’s 10 gallon hat to see the stage and everybody cheers and jumps up and screams and you have no idea what the hell they saw you’ll thank me later …

Bottom line is whenever you go, the experience will change you. Positive energy and enthusiasm are two factors that infuse into major contests and will just elevate You’re enjoyment of life.

If you make a few new friends, the trip will be worth it. If you learn a few tricks or teach others a few tricks and everybody’s happy about it, the trip will be worth it. If you find a yo-yo to buy or at least you always wanted to try it before you bought it and you’re giving the opportunity to try it and then you like it so much that you buy it, the trip will be worth it.
One extra positive side effect of attending a yo-yo contest is your presence shows Support for an amazingly underrated pastime. Every person that shows up to mix in to the fun at the venue is contributing in a positive way to keep yo-yoing going.



lol it’s a battle tournament! Here’s the 10 people that were invited to compete plus they’re going to ask 6 more people to compete at the event! It looks stacked!

Edit: OP—just listen to your heart and you’ll make the right decision!


Thanks fam this helped me make my mind up✌️

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