What clyw should I get for competitions???

Personally, I haven’t tried the pride, but the wrath was AMAZING.

Thanks Greg! I’d use the puffin but spin time limits me. Maybe not Palli, but it limits me. Lol. Isn’t the AC really similar to the summit tho?

Between the Wrath and the Pride I would choose the Wrath. I only spent a couple minutes using a prototype Pride. But when I used it was outstanding, it just didn’t seem like something I personally would compete with. That’s just my opinion though. The Wrath is bigger in diameter and seems like it may have longer spin times.

Haven’t tried a Summit, but they seem pretty dissimilar. I was only comparing the two you seemed to have narrowed it down to. :wink: If I’m not mistaken, the Summit is noticeably larger.

Lots of people competing with a Summit. If the Summit appeals to you, go for it!

the AC isn’t all that similar to the Summit. The shape of the Summit is modeled after the Avalanche, and the AC has a different shape. Also, I believe the AC plays faster and more solid. It is Gormley’s competition and sig after all ;). It’s fast and built for tech tricks.

The Summit on the other hand is more floaty and more fun as far as I’ve heard. But lots of people use it for competition. Doesn’t matter as long as it fits your play style and feels right to you. :slight_smile:

Thanks again Greg! You REALLY helped! :smiley:

Hahah, well, I guess. :wink: My input was basically, “Get whatcha want, but… ehh… not the Gnarwhal.” If that was helpful, I’m glad.

In that case, get the Arctic circle.

It depends. I see players take anywhere from 3-6 yoyos up on stage. The more experienced players seem to take fewer(3), the big risk takers and less experienced players seem to take more.

If you’re THAT good, all you need is one.

4 is a good number. Different colorways, but set up the same. Rotate regularly so they wear the same. That way on competition day, there’s no surprises.

Keep in mind there aren’t restrictions on what you can use. They don’t have to match, be the same brand, make, model, configuration. Whatever you want to use, you can use.

I generally have one backup per how many minutes the freestyle is. So I bring 2 for 1 min, 3 for 2 min, 4 for 3 min, etc.

Prides are not available yet! The wrath spins a tad bit longer than the Pride, but the Pride is more nimble and better suited for competitions I think. If the specs match your preferences.