What clyw colorway is this? This is a scout!

I don’t think it is; ZZR has a pink base.

Oh wait I see what you are SAYING — this could be a camera problem where it looks purple but is in fact the pink of ZZR.

That said I do not see the blue?

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Exactly. I think his Scout just happen to not have blue in the fade(?).

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It still looks like Green Eye Monster (as yoyoexpert called the colorway) more than Zip Zap to me.

Actually…no…now that I’m typing this up and have the images side by side…I think you might be right @EOS44. It does look like Zip Zap!

His VS Green Eye Monster:
Screenshot_2019-08-04%20What%20clyw%20colorway%20is%20this%20This%20is%20a%20scout%20 VS. 11371233_1608690882751605_580143991_n

His VS. Zip Zap Rap:
Screenshot_2019-08-04%20What%20clyw%20colorway%20is%20this%20This%20is%20a%20scout%20 VS. Screenshot_2019-08-04%20a221331ba5939cc2d7c0095aefa118570dbd5a07%20jpeg%20(JPEG%20Image%2C%20750%20%C3%97%201334%20pixels)%20-%20Scaled%20(54%25)

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I am going with the “you posted a super crappy picture” hypothesis which definitely points to ZZR.


I just recently traded away a zzr scoutstill kicking myself this is not that!!!

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It isn’t zzr

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They did a series of one offs for Orca and Scout. It may not have a name. Did you buy this one direct from CLYW?


Pretty sure not mine, sorry! I didn’t work on the Scout and the splashing doesn’t look like my typical weight / pattern. (It’s much thicker and bolder.)


No not direct…unfortunately

Looking at a japanese stores CLYW Color Guide looks like it’s called “Green Eye Monster”

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I would say either green eye monster or just a one-off. We’ve sold a few runs of one-off colorways in the past and I know CLYW has as well.


I use this too - I cannot remember all the colourways anymore.

EDIT - Removed the link


Yeah it’s not on the list