What clyw colorway is this? This is a scout!


What colors is it?

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Purple background with a green and yellow splash…it isn’t on that other sites colorway list and I can’t find a pick of it anywhere in the scout release archives? And the person who sold it to me doesn’t remember/know the name…

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Clareview Station?

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Is navy blue with yellow splash

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I think it’s called “Green Eye Monster”.

It looks like the CLYW Bonfire came in this same coorway that yoyoexpert was selling…and if you look down in the comments in the link below they call it the green eye monster.
Maybe @YoYoExpertGarrett or @AndreBoulay can confirm?


Mine doesn’t have blue in the splash though?

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You might want to try and contact CLYW directly and ask them.


I did waiting for response just figured the community might know


Hey, when you get it figured out…mind coming back here and letting us know? I’m curious!

This colorway is called Zip Zap Rap.


Zip zip rap is pink background with yellow green blue splash…this is purple background with green yellow fade splash

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Yeah, I did a google image search and yours looks a lot different then the zip zap.

way different!!!

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Don’t be a fool! Stay in school!
Don’t get high and drive a car…you will not get very far!!

Just sayin.

Don’t be a dope!
Don’t smoke that coke!!
We’re talking about…co-caine!
It’s not good for your brain!

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Really wish I didn’t listen to it!!!

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haha really wish I hadn’t posted it! >.<’

@jasonwongzero hey there did I get really lucky and this is one of yours?

I’m sure this is Zip Zap Rap. Or is it not?