What are your favorite yoyo designs? why?

what yoyo do you think has the best design? what about that design do you like?
i made a design in tinker CAD, i really like it.


I have great fun playing with lightly bell-shaped, mid to undersized yoyo’s like the cascade, prescription, turning point 2, wooly marmot 2, goji etc. The small-ish diameter along with the gentle shapes these throws often come with result in some of the most comfy throwing experiences I’ve had.

These design cues factored into that time I made a 3d print. It plays really awkwardly and nowhere near as good as any of the above but the shape is lovely so I still have a soft spot for it.


it kind of reminds me of the dunk

Yeah! Only included throws I’ve played but I’ve been looking at getting one for the longest time since it feels like it’s right up my alley. Same with the Saboteur and the Taijitu.

The Mowl M+ because a) Owls are my favorite animal and b) because the staggered positioning of the bimetal rings

Also my Hydrogen Crash is up there too just due to how low of a density it has. It’s nearly oversized in profile but due to how thin it is it is only 63.2 g

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From all the designs we cooked up over the years, the Noctu has to be my favorite, with the Krapfen coming in a close second.

Others’ designs: Radian, SB-2, Eetsit, Gorylla, Hitman, AirRider, BvsM, FatLip, Torrent…


The Noctu is a really fun design!


My favourite design are slightly undersized V and H shape, I start to love bimetals as well and I can see why a lot of people like them the spin time and stability really get more noticeable.

Also I never be really someone that care about how ergonomic is the yoyo on the hand as the only moment where I have the yoyo in my hands is when I throw it and when I bind it, so I do not even mind the extreme v shape that seems a bit “cutting”, in the name of more power I am ok to sacrifice a bit of ergonomic


have you checked out the krownt st 7068?

Want one from ages, can’t afford, I was about to open a topic tomorrow about this because I see around at least 4 different version if the Krown and don’t get what’s the different or which C3 I can take because I see they do great design in this sense

This is really cool. I wonder what it would like once it is turned into a yoyo

After around 60 yoyo’s I still find that I prefer the design of the yomega glide. It has the weight balance with extra weight on the rims. The shape of the yoyo allows the yoyo to be heavier, but doesn’t feel like a brick. It is also comfortable in the hand and has a big catch zone for the string.

The Mowl Surveillance. It somehow manages to pack tons of power into a H-shaped yoyo without feeling sluggish, and I believe it is the first yoyo to do so. There are others like the OneDrop Aitch, but those came after the Mowl Surveillance.


Organics are my favorite - Hitman, G&E4, Pyro Lite, FH1 Mini Motu, Edgeless, YYJ Journey, Dif-E-Yo GTO etc. I like the organic shape, I’m a traditionalist and they feel good in the hand. It’s a proven design and generally plays well.

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In terms of aesthetics? The Anglam Pinnacle is a gorgeous yoyo. The same goes for the OG Peak. In terms of play? YYC Aggressor is the #1.

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