What are you throwing today?

Ti Fri my 2sick Fianchetto!

4mm YWET and No Jive


Does this count?
Get it? What are you THROWING today? :joy:
It’s a moyu aolong v2 btw.

Literally 2sick yoyos… There’s 2 of them :wink: (Blitz and Knight, both amazing throws)

Meh kind of day. I had to get my bearings cleaned for yoyo club tomorrow and order silicone, which wouldn’t come on time to dry, and I’m too lazy to do either :stuck_out_tongue:
Protostar for a bit, then the bearing got stuff in it. Death grip proceed, not follow a yoyos death😐

Popstar 1.0

Switching between First Base and a 1960’s Butterfly.

G5 :slight_smile:

Sick colorway!!

We’re not happy until you’re not happy! *<B{Q>

Ti walker, draupnir, valkari, g squared banshee, sf yoyos sf, something aglam, yoyofactory atlas, one drop gauntlet. The Turning Point Leviathan 6 is my favorite. None of them were mine😀

Metal racer and drifter

all my throws are older but I start out with my Pyro, then switch to SPYY Addict then G5.

Slim bearing G5

Thumb up! :wink:

7068 goodness

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One Drop Kuntosh today. Such a great yoyo.

I’m addicted to my metal drifter

my accelerators!
