What are you throwing today?

Knocking the dust off of this guy today :wink:

G2 Banshee


One Drop Kraken

THROWin DUNCAN today 8)

YYR Attune

Yup my local Walmart stocks unresponsive metal yoyos!

Manatee still going strong.

Scout is becoming a regular throw for these days

One Drop Cabal for me today!

I couldn’t pass it up for $15 on clearance

banana hammock

Capital YoYo Antidote and OneDrop Cascade 2

These two were birthday presents to my self. I’m loving them both actually!


Dusted off a modern classic, Duncan Metal Racer. This thing is actually quite a gem if you’re itching to play responsive with some modern flavor.

Superstar bi mryal

CLYW borealis

My biology homework because finals are coming up :flushed:

One drop kuntosh with kitty string
