What are you throwing today?

Going back to the 2008-ish era today and throwing a peak, OG California(totally underrated), Og VK, and a 2008 888.

Eternal Throw Victory, though today has been kind of a weird day of throwing…like my focus isn’t there and not sure what to learn. Trying to pull myself out of what feels like a potential rut coming on as this is what happened before to me before I took a long break.

King Spin Chronicle

I just got this yoyo last week at SEC and its pretty sweet. I was watching a kid freestyle and when he was done I said, “Hey nice job man. Is that the chronicle?” (gesturing towards his yoyo) I’ve seen it on this site before and was interested, but never tried one so I was hoping he’d be like ‘Yeah, you wanna try it?’ Instead I got “Yeah I actually designed this yoyo.” I was really surprised that I happened to talk to the kid that was making them.

He’s a really nice kid, his name is Arthur and you should check out his throw. He brought along a few to sell and I was going to buy something from the YYE booth, but I felt like it would be a more fitting experience to buy a throw from Arthur. If you have the chance you should try one out.

Citizen arrived. Throwing this is just an amazing experience.

Nice! It’s great isn’t it! Played with one on Saturday and it’s just amazing.

Quake AL7, Elysian

Man that Quake is amazing! Slightly undersized but very stable. First trick I threw at it was And What, and handled it like a champ on the first attempt.

The Elysian is nice, also very stable, need to now learn how to use it…as in do some finger spins!

Played with my benchmark v and Sakura today.

Also, my coworker decided to order a yoyo after trying my yoyos out for the past week. He ordered a lava and it arrived today so I tried that out some. Pretty nice throw

Bonfire and Prophecy today.

YYR Laser today.

Fruiture and Werrd base

Prestige and peak!

Sturm Panzer Leo Sniper MKII, Aurora colorway.

It loves the butane flame Ammo. Great matching of looks and performance.


Elysian - after switching the flat bearing to a grooved, no more unexpected snags or eye punches, this yoyo has a lot of momentum!

Shu-Ta - the “forgetten” cousin to the widely popular Shutter, I actually prefer this over the Shutter…but I’m not getting rid of or selling my Alien Galaxy Shutter :stuck_out_tongue:

G Squared Quake - Very solid-feeling and stable throw! Slightly undersized.

Currently playing with the Elysian before heading off to bed.

I just ordered the same string right before I looked at this

It’s great stuff!

Fixed my YYF Replay. Put some new white response pads in. Lubed the bearing and got lube under the other pads and they came off. Eeeeek!

All better now. I’m usually super careful about lubing bearings, but just a little is all it takes for pads to pop off. :grinning:

Tre for 5a (I think I’m getting the hang of it (: ) and my irony jpx and fruiture for 1a

