What are you throwing today?

Yelets. Why so underrated?

Krown and Queen

Good pair XD

Shutter today!


I dinged it :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( I’ll be ok

Sorry Yoyo Ratchet

Champions Edition Genesis

Krown and 65.5g USA Genesis

Popstar with a 5a dice, have it in my pocket almost everyday, makes shopping with the girlfriend much more tolerable, haha.

popstar for 5a??? thats hardcore.

I need to try it.


two tone polished mighty flea (not mine tho :’()

Puffin 2, Chief, Draupnir, Blink. Trying to decide if I can part with any of my 4 favorites.

I think I’m gonna throw the ac2 today. Has such a perfect feel and play to it.


Space Cowboy

How’s that space cowboy? You should do a review on it, as well as some of the other top throws you like. I’m sure we would all appreciate hearing your opinion on the newer throws since no one really posts reviews up anymore…

^ Ooh pretty Laser!

Throwing Bass Line 2 all day everyday.