No, the nickel plated is where it’s at. Grinds go for 10 seconds and still can do a 15-20 second combo!
Same with the Matte finish. xD Just a beautifully designed throw.
Yeah, Nick Gumlaw is a beast
Metal drifter
YYF One, ;D
Yomega G-R
Oh, the mid weight Yo-mod, right? How is it? Colter says the heavy one is pretty chill~ Thinking of getting one soon.
Original Yomega Hyperwarp Heavy Wing and Slithering Hippo Aa7. Perfect combo for work and all~
Superstar… H.O.T
echo, genesis, and rockafeller for me
My good ol’ trusty dv888
No Jive 3-in-1 & a Wood Rocks
Gambit again. Puffin stays at work, so I will probably have that as well.
Pretty much only my sorta messed up northstar for 5a cuz my onestar is on vacation (to BCs house) and i don’t want to ding up my shaqlerstar on my bst. Also i just feel like 5aing today.