Shutter with a whippy crocostring (been brainstorming names for my strings, but im not wuite ready to make them public) and also a little bit of g funk with a soft crocostring.
YWET and a Premier Ganador spin top!
Been getting in lotsa that dm2 action lately.
c3 token and probably summit or avalanche later
Trompo Grande bearing and a Code2!
My MX Astro Jax and Omnicron X for 5A.
My custom modded DTYY
Shutter with a whippy crocostring on it. That is all.
OD Chik! Lovin it, and a bit of my Shutter.
Threw almost everything for a couple throws then DRI YWET, Gnarwhal 2, Draupnir, Messiah
Fiesta, code 2, and an OG Arctic Circle!
Can I have your job? You get yoyos before release you lucky man.
It is a fun job.
Summit Token and Primo are the yoyos Ive been throwing today
Sine saw