What are you throwing today?

It is responsive because he keeps the bearing lubed. It is a great responsive throw.

But why does he keep it lubed, when he could just not lube it and keep it unresponsive?

some people like occasional responsive play, a throw back to the old days when we werent spoiled. :slight_smile:

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Mainly my Lunatic, but also my Mini Mo-Tu.

i want a lunatic!!

Yeah. I love it. I got purple small bearing one for Christmas. :wink:

My newly fixed Xconvict. SO HAPPY ;D

MY old Mosquito. Just made it unresponsive to practice binding untill I get my New Breed! :smiley:


today 888 07 splash
2morow 888x silver ;D


Hatrick, what’ca gonna do now Samad!

Play with my Mini-Star because I HAVE ONE! ooooh! :stuck_out_tongue:

still throwing my aoda flying master S.
no one throw this anymore. . .

Super yoyo Ultra Russell!!! HAHAHAHA

Lynn Furry with RTV response. Made for a very nice throw today.

My dry bearing is stuck in a wood vent, so until we can open it up and get it out, I’m throwing my responsive Dark Magic and a FHZ.


wow really? where did you find one?

and i have been doing 5a (badly) and 1a with my genesis

Loop720’s, Genesis, G5+, Pocket Change, Fast 201, and Velocity.
