What are you throwing today?

Code 2 and Aoda Littles…

My buzzon bushido and Yoyojam big yo…I loeft my OG Fiesta in my college classroom… );

Superstar, Dv888, and Popstar

Code 2. My new fav!

1A: cascade
2A: pro z
3A: not ready for that yet
4A: Shinwoo pro wing ( I love this thing ;D )
5A: not feeling it today.

gfunk and neon protostar

MVP2 and ShaqlerStar :]

Drop Bear and my new custom anodized Giraffe DTI BassBoost

SpottedBanana job?

Yep :wink:


Arctic Circle

Loving my 5Star.


code 2

Og legacy I just got in trade and a big yo

Throwing a code 1 on my lunch break.



cascade and yyj classic