What are you throwing 2024?

If I had control over it they would be there yesterday.


These have been my every day carry for a while. I have changed side effects recently. Side effects make this set of well loved throws so fun and never feel old or stale.
I will hit a trick with one clean and will want to hit it with the others too. It really gives me appreciations for the different shapes, weights and what each brings to preforming a trick and how one shape will lend it self toward or away from different styles of tricks and trick elements.
Well loved set in the back pack 99% of the time, with a plastic throw to give away at the right moment. Got caught out with out a throw to drop the other night….
Lost opportunity to give someone the itch. I just showed “ spirt bomb “ on the Clear Panorama and talked yo-yo hope that worked.
OneDrop, Clear, Panorama with clear ultralights
CLYW, Nickel, Summit with gray ultralights
OneDrop/Static Co.
Orange Sunset Paraly with green domes

Had to clean up the late night post a bit I apologize to the English majors I must drive you crazy… back to the grind tomorrow. One day almost down, 364 and a bit left to go.


Been throwing the Shutter Elite a lot. Really enjoy this thing.


Why? Because pink is awesome!?

Yes. Thats the correct answer.


Have u tried syfo as well? I been thinking about one or the other. I like the size of syfo better but not the weight

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A little variety for New Years Day. Buoy, GBP, Caffeine Pro and FHPC.


Starting this new year off with some RSO love

Spaceship ES

Enjoy the throw my friends


Continuing the discussion from What did you throw 2023?:

As always, I love seeing these SE swaps @grunt

Also, pretty sure I need one of those orange Bathysphere splashes… :heart_eyes:


I haven’t played a SYFO but I think it’s pretty fair to say it’s the more well liked yoyo between the two. FYFO is absolutely pretty standard fare, just well refined in a specific style (Perfect Star adjacent), while the SYFO is a lot more unique in its design.

Sorta take that Stardust/E=mc^2 lineage but move it closer towards the Cascade, and that’s where the SYFO is. It’s not actually a design collab with OD or explicitly referencing the Cascade, but it’s pretty easy to draw the parallels. I wouldn’t let the weight turn you off if that’s the deciding factor for you. I think it’s not gonna feel nearly as heavy as you might expect, this is the sentiment a lot of people with SYFOs have shared.

They’re pretty cheap on the BST, so if you’re interested I’d definitely say give it a go. It just feels like not a lot of people are too interested in referencing classic YYR monos, and as a result most of the Oregon line kinda gets slept on. Although to be fair there’s a whole lot of good monos on the market, so it’s easier to ignore stuff like the FYFO/KNOK for being more typical/standard in their design, while the SYFO/GOPA have noticeably more fans for having more of a unique niche.

I really love the FYFO, but I can’t recommend it to anybody unless they actively know what they want and expect from a yoyo like it. If you don’t know you’re gonna love the FYFO, it’ll probably sit solidly as “just another good yoyo.” Meanwhile there’s not many things like the SYFO on the market currently, so even if you don’t know if you’ll love it or not it’ll certainly be a unique yoyo.


First person I’ve heard about to have this same tradition, that’s awesome. Best game ever.


Me too! That’s awesome!


Bathysphere, back in the office-sphere today :sob:


FYFO is mad underrated. Easily in my top 20 out of 200 so I’ve tried


Enjoying new takes on old classics today.
Eetsit The End Part II Finale #29 and a Ghee grilled cheese on sour dough with a yummy tomato soup. :kissing_closed_eyes::drooling_face::woozy_face:


Brought the Odium in to work today, such a great size and shape on this one


Current rotation. Pop art, cheatcode, populist, thing, and newest addition Batsquatch from @ryanmcg
Also trying to learn traditional spin top


The W1LD Trio. I don’t have a black lacquer piano like the packaging but I do have a black lacquer amp.


Wait…what amp is that?!?


Haven’t put down the Dema since I got it for Christmas, Reboot just got new Domes put in today :handshake:


I second this question.