What are you throwing 2024?

Let’s see if anyone could recognise this fantastic rare beauty.


There was a „snowflake collection“ from yyf which looks very similar. It contained a „flight“ also a plastic with the same colors and marbling.


I gave mine away some time back and just recently felt like I needed to replace it. The more I throw it the more I conclude that this is a really nice yo-yo. Not just a nice beginner yo-yo.


We’re Twinsies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Yeah it’s one of my faves (I’m a big iceberg fan too) and it makes a great throw for blacklight


I just gave away my Shooting Star but I’m not upset because I’m def gonna replace it with a rainbow the next time I order from YYE :grin:


I just had to get this. Only 350 tickets! The warning is especially confusing because the string was not elastic. (I still immediately put a different string on because it was horrible.)



I have fallen in love with ZS Air! Insanely long lasting. When it’s dirty, hand soap works great. When dry, it’s almost like new!

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I wish I knew you had that one on you!!! I’d love to try it next time.


Crazy fun event!! I’m sure we’ll see more.

Was a blast to see @Benthrowsyoyo rip it up.


asora 3 this weekend


i am so on this train! amazing string! as I’m learning some slack tricks ngl it moves a bit too fast for me so ive been using kitty fat and stricklin strings to learn/practice those. otherwise im a total zs air fanboy. they also look vibrant af


So how are they? They were worth it then I’m guessing?

Sadly, not mine. One of the rare gems @kyo brought to let people try. The only notable thing I brought to Clevo was the PIF Tyrant. I assume you either tried that or had one in tow yourself.


AL7 Tsunami in Ness Depths


I feel like if any regular company dropped these for 150 dollars or whatever amount nobody would bat an eye. They’re super good, they’re the best performing yoyos I own, and also the cheapest yoyos I own by a pretty large margin.

I think it really shows that when you buy more expensive yoyos, you’re really spending that money to support the companies/players/events/stores/etc.

You’re not getting a better yoyo for more money, you’re just supporting the people involved. Which is definitely worth a lot (hence why I have a Mavetrick case signed by Takeshi that cost ~35 bucks, but cost a tiny fraction of that to make. Supporting people in the scene is important to me). But if you really just need a Good Yoyo for as cheap as possible these things are insane.

I kinda like that yoyos in this realm are available for how low they make the barrier of entry to just having a super good yoyo, but at the same time I sorta feel the price being so low sets unreasonable expectations for what other companies should set their prices at. It makes me a bit sad when I see people complain about companies like CLYW/TP/etc. having higher prices when they use the bigger profits to fund better player benefits and just sorta do more for the scene as a whole. These super cheap yoyos aren’t paying players, paying for contests, paying for the designer’s time, paying to fund new projects, and heck the machinists/anodizers need to get paid too. These cheap yoyos are just giving you, the consumer, a yoyo.

At the same time I also think it’s silly when people try to dismiss yoyos in this category as being bad just because they’re cheap. I’ve seen so many negative comments on yoyos like these from people thinking that a bit of nail vibe or having a bearing that needed to be cleaned meaning these somehow aren’t yoyos that actually play super well. If you don’t like that the yoyo doesn’t really support the yoyo scene in the way you want, that’s certainly a valid opinion. But trying to act like the yoyo design itself is somehow bad is just silly.

Probably more in depth of a response that you were looking for, but TL;DR yeah these are insanely worth it if you just want a super good yoyo for as cheap as possible, but not worth it if you want to support companies/events/players.

Sorry for the rambling wall of text/mini review, I was just sorta typing my thoughts as they came LOL


Shell YoYo is slept on. Everything they have made that I’ve tried has played leaps and bounds beyond the price tag

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What bag is that?

W1ld wildless


No worries. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but ur talking to someone who over explains on questions nobody ask for a living! lol so I get it and I appreciate it when someone else does it as well. And that’s exactly what happens with me too, just keeping typing the thoughts as they come. I’ve had my eye on that yo-yo since it first came out and usually I’m quick to spend the few bucks when the payout could be potentially large vs money spent. But I just haven’t pulled the trigger on it. Definitely will now at some point thanks! :pray: