What are you doing today?

Haha I was learning Zipper last night actually.

So there are 2 “Covid House Arrest” experiments I started since yesterday.

  1. I am going back and ticking off all the tricks starting from basic ones that I missed in “relative” difficulty order. We have been focusing on tricks in trick a week that skips a lot of basics (depending on your starting level) so I want to go back and make sure o have fundamentals down.

  2. I find myself using the same yoyos most of the time. So I am limiting to 1 yoyo for 3~5 days each and getting to know all my yoyos a little better. Started with the plastic Dove.
    Ones I don’t really like as much I’ll sell. Ones that are expensive but I don’t necessarily need I’ll sell. And keep those I like or so goes the aim at the moment.


Good idea. I’ve been horribly distracted lately and my throwing has been horrendously abyssmal and I was putting so much pressure on myself which just had negative results. I am just going back to the first 3 low level intermediate tricks I ever learned (they took me loong time to learn) and trying to hit them cleanly every time and just be happy with that. For me those tricks are: Barrel Rolls, Split the Atom, and Mach 5. If I remain perfectly on plane I will try add more moves to each trick. To me, in these times, I find no need to add unecessary pressure to my day while engaging in a hobby that is supposed to be a calming and rewarding distraction.


Finally finished this Dam Removal & Stream Restoration! I’ve been living in a tent in the woods and bathing in a creek for two weeks to avoid hotels!


Good Lord you lead an interesting life man. Always love seeing your work/adventures.

I myself will be learning the Mindbend Suicide recently posted in the 0a thread, then taking a nice bike ride with my wife and son. Also making carnitas tacos, Mexican rice, and refried beans all from scratch.

Oh and working a full shift from my couch. Exciting.


Received a call this morning. My pay will cease on April 7…so welcome to the world of furlough and unemployment…

I know I shouldn’t have but did a “non essential” run this morning after finding a Target gift card and picked up Animal Crossing, will be my first AC experience and seems to be a very fitting game for times like this.


I’m furloughed too. No idea when I will be called back. A lot of people where I work were laid off. All the days melt into each other and it does not seem to matter what day it is except for Sundays when I watch The Walking Dead. So my weeks have two days: a Sunday and then a really long other day that I have not come up with a name for yet. I’m keeping busy but also feel I have accomplished nothing and it doesn’t even seem to matter anyway!


guys, i am really sorry to hear about your layoffs/furloughs. lousy times to be sure. are you guys going to be able to get the unemployment benefits +? the govt is upping the amount you can collect by like $600, so that’s something i suppose.

i sincerely hope you will be back to work before it becomes a big issue. there’s a lot of chatter about improved treatments and whatnot. in my non-medical opinion, i think that’s the key. being able to treat it. if we have options to lessen the severity and duration, then it’s not as big an issue and we can get the economy rolling again. so, when we catch it, we can go to the doc, get diagnosed and do a course of whatever the medicine is. be over it in a week with no lasting issues or fear of horrible death. then back to work.

anyway. really sorry to hear about the jobs boys.



Sorry to hear your news.
Thinking of you all., and crossing fingers.

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Yea I don’t even know the days anymore. There’s a weird paradox though. The days themselves go by fast, the weeks however drag.

Right now I would have been counting down my 2 week til my Disney trip that’s now on hold. My friends and I pushed it to October assuming this is far enough ahead to let this pandemic die.


I can apply for it the Sunday after I get my last check on the 17th…,


After running a few errands this afternoon, I noticed a new/stricter policy essential stores are now doing: they are closely monitoring amount of customers coming in via taking head count and had set up stanchions out in front of the store as people wait in line to enter. They’d pulse so many people in at a time.

In the store, it’s mixed on who’s minding their distance. A chunk of people are acting like it’s nothing and will walk right up next to you to look at an item instead of waiting…many times I stopped dead in my tracks of what I was doing so I could get out of “their way”… Seriously, people here just don’t know how to wait a few seconds and let one finish what they were doing.

Leaving the store, the lines were actually well managed with the 6 feet apart, and they’d call the next person up to the counter as between customers, they’d wipe everything down. In the end, the lines will move slower but they’re taking the extra precautions wiping down counters, keypads, and bagging areas.


Man… I went to the grocery store yesterday and was struck by many of the same things. Some people still getting all up in your personal space. Not cool.


Next time I go out (which will be a few weeks), I should just start shooting the moon down the aisles…that’ll keep people away :smiley:


At my Walmart they had stanchions with ropes and a woman herded us through the one open entrance of the store telling us to stay six feet apart. No big deal.


Heart is deff not appropriate but i feel you. These are very challenging times all around. Good luck. I’l keep off the boingy boingy u keep positive bro.


No no no! You boingy boing all you want. Yoyo = Fun! If you’re having fun then I am all for it!


I was just playing…i love to boingy.


Going for quiet walks on the riverside whilst practicing social distancing. :slight_smile:



Removing dust from my 3D printer, going to print some stands for my phone so I can make videos of my yoyo progress.


I made cinnamon cocoa oat creamer. Wings and veggie sticks for later later.