What are you doing today?

Yay for Gameboy Color! Most recent Game Boy I owned. I had a translucent purple one, but it has since been thrown away because I suck. My Tetris cartridge still exists somewhere, but I can’t find it.

That Spongebob Advance SP is boss :smiley:

I still want to get a 3DS, but it isn’t a cheap system to own right now. I have no time to game on portables anyhow, but I still want to play the newer Pokemon games (and emulation doesnt give you the same feel as real hardware).


I remember getting my first gameboy.
I was living with my grandparents and my grandma gave me $10 a week for snacks and stuff at school (high school). Instead I saved all the money up till I had enough for a gameboy color. I wanted a yellow pikachu version so bad, but it just wasn’t meant to be so I went with a regular yellow…also bought the pokemon tcg game with it. Any of you ever play that game? Holy heck it was amazing! I’m sad that Nintendo’s never tried to make a follow up of the game :(.




I had a translucent purple GBC for like maybe two weeks. It was a birthday present, and I never got stuff like this as a child. I wasn’t exposed to a whole lot of gaming.

I had it in my jacket pocket at the park, and kind of forgot it was there. Apparently, somehow I smashed the monitor during my play time. I was so ashamed at how careless I was with such an expensive gift, that I didn’t tell my dad what happened.

I just kept it buried in a drawer for years, until one day I threw it away.


Oh man, that sucks so bad! :frowning:


If you get a 3DS XL (does not have to be the NEW 3DS XL), you can sideload virtual console games, and the hardware is very close to original feel for nintendo handheld games. This means all pokemon up until Let’s Go in a single handheld you can find pretty cheap now that the New version and Switch are both out. I’d recommend it highly.

Yes! Even bought it on virtual console when it was released for 3DS. It is great. They made a sequel but it was Japan only and never got a translation. Now they have Pokemon TCGO so you can play actual pokemon card games on your tablet (Android and iPad).

This made me hella sad.


Yeah, in hindsight it was so new that I probably could have gotten it covered by warantee if I would have just come clean about it.

I was so afraid that my dad would have been disappointed in my carelessness. I just knew how hard he worked to support us and I couldn’t bear the thought of it :confused:


This is my video game play thing of choice anymore these days…Not sure why but I just can’t get into video games like I use to. I don’t bring this thing out very much.
The new Nintendo Switch Lite coming soon looks interesting to me though (I’ve always been more into portable gaming than home gaming).


This is really painful. I feel for you.

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Update on my yoyo performance today: the pizza was satisfactory compensation. You can never go wrong when orange soda is one of the ingredients of the sauce.

Also: the inner-city kids did not really care at all about my yoyoing. Some toddlers and 8 year olds and like one teen thought it was cool.


See that’s the chosen one, this is the person who gets free yo-yos and trick tips and links to this forum


Lol, they stopped being interested when their other teen friends showed up. Probably didn’t want to seem uncool.

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Spent today working, and testing a proto :sparkles:


Lololol I just went to work only to realize it’s my one day off a month. Back home now, still waiting for my yo-yo today arrive from the USPS facility that’s 15 minutes away and got it 6 hours ago.


Just got back from my first mlb game, and first weekend off in 3 months! Steps won 11-1, and we got on tv! We’re the ones holding the yee haw signs Lol


Visual novels for daysssssssss


:thinking: Pics yet?!? How’s it play?


Making an announcement tomorrow!




Im starting school today, witch sucks im homeschooled so my mom normally will not let me throw intel im done


Awh I missed this vote - blue buttons tho. And since it used to be mine you have to :yum: