I see a lot of yoyo tricks online that look kind of useless when it comes to combos and speed combos and good tricks like that so I was wondering what yoyo tricks I need to know for those speed combos and tech combos that like pros do
So I’ve been looking at those videos and some are just confusing and I don’t know which are really necessary
Can you do trapeze? You said in your recent post on Reddit that the only thing you knew how to do was the bind.
So I’d start there. Then move on to the double or nothing…then the 1.5 mount. Then go from there.
But really, a lot of the tricks you might think useless are good to learn because they’ll help you become more familiar with throwing and will help you build your muscle memory. They may not be something you’ll use in combos…but they will help you become a better over all yo-yoer.
yeah i agree some of the phrases yoyoers use can be super super confusing unless you know a specific trick
Oh alright I’m kind of getting the trapeze and I’ll keep workin on it
Great! It might take awhile, but you’ll get it! It’s really satisfying once you’ve got the trapeze down and it opens up a TON of new things you can work on!
Go to the string tricks basics list on yotricks and go down the list one at a time. There’s a terminology vid too.
Yeah, So is the break the same thing as the trapeze kinda confused lol
The break away is the throw and the trapeze is when you land on the string.
There’s some fun tricks to start with here:
And this is the Breakaway:
Which leads into the Trapeze:
You can always look at the learn section right here on YoYoExpert. It is surprising how useful some of the basics turn out to be (there are more tricks than I care to admit I thought were a waste of time until I needed something from that trick to learn something else)
Oh ok thanks and so there is some silver dust coming off my axle is that normal
Uh not usually
And the axle is kinda loose
What did you do to your axle to cause this?
Why do you insist on messing with your yos so much? You’ve already broken a bunch of them in the past. I don’t know what to tell ya man.
But nothing changed when I just put the yoyo back together it still works normal
Dude, you need to screw your yo-yo back together. You’re getting silver dust because the aluminum is grinding on the axle.
Is it stripping? What yoyo is it?
Didn’t you already start a thread about this and get a bunch of answers?
I say stop messing with your yos by unscrewing them and over tightening them and just use them.
Nothing I just unscrewed it to get a knot out