What are good Yo-Yo's to get right now?

I’ve been a bit out of it for like half a year ever since my decent yo-yo broke.

I am looking for a budget metal yo-yo. Somewhere around 40-60 euros, no more.

This will be my first full metal yo-yo. And it’s for A1.

My personal favourite was Horizon, but I have no idea how the scene has changed.
Maybe better yo-yo’s have surfaced? And that is what I would like to know. Are there any other yo-yo’s on a similar budget that perform as well or better? :slight_smile:

My favourite brands are Yo Yo Factory and Yo Yo Officer (But feel free to offer any kind of brand!)

One small key factor - I would prefer it to be green :smiley:

First, welcome back!

Now, on topic. Although I don’t personally have one, I’ve heard great things on the One Drop Vanguard. I’m not sure on Euros to USD (I’ll edit this later) but it’s only $50.00. (EDIT: €45.77) AND you can get it in green. Not sure if there’s any green ones left, but still.
If you like YYF, then you could also go with the Shutter, I’ve heard great things about that one as well. Though I’m not sure about green, I’ll have to check. It’s also $45.00 (EDIT: €41.19) if I remember correctly.


Wow, thank you for the great and detailed answer! :slight_smile:

I looked up the Vanguard and so far really like what I saw and read. I’m considering it greatly =)

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