Weird Yoyo Habits

Thought of another one. I named my looping pair (C3 Initiators) so I’m consistent on which yoyo I’m using in what hand for practice. I can tell them apart based on where a seam on the plastic is relative to the logo. Sunrise goes in my right hand, seam is above the logo and Sunset, seam below logo, goes in my left.


^^ Seems about right for 2A. I have never been able to 2 hand loop before, but you want to feel connected to those yoyos, and ive never had 2 yoyos respond in the same way before. Consistency is key.

This is the standard way of tying string as ive been taught. Are you saying it is common practice to leave a tail and tie a knot in it? I think leaving no tail for slippage like in your vid is just asking for failure though.

Ive done this a few times, but the hardened end would occasionally feel abrasive so I stopped doing it. Your tails are much longer than mine however, and I stopped leaving tails that long because the excessive fraying felt like it got in the way. I leave less than a cm of tail now, but it still allows for slip (unlike Hanker :open_mouth: )


Ive started keeping my yoyos with the string not wound, so the next time i pick it up i know the string tension is neutral and it isnt sealed with a bad bind ready to punish me the next time i throw it


Unfortunately I don’t think I have any weird habits. I used to collect shields and C clips but I don’t bother taking apart bearings unless there’s something off feeling about it.

I cut my tails super short cause I dislike the look of extra string hanging off my finger, and I don’t usually care how my string is wound up when putting my throw away.

I guess one weird thing was that I didn’t know how to tie a slipknot until I just watched @Hanker 's video just now which’ll make it a whole bunch easier than just making an elaborate knot that I’ve been doing most of my life.

Here’s an example

This is some BigBangBandalore String Theory and it’s probably the hardest stuff I have trouble tying because it acts like fishing wire, that good old angel hair string feeling that I love.


I believe most people would do so, since the string fraying is quite annoying when leaving a tail.

Haven’t had a single failure in the 3 years I have been yoyoing, so I’ll say it’s pretty safe. And I hate feeling the extra bit of string on my finger.

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The failure mode can be catastrophic, though. Best of luck to you. I’ll still be over here with my tail with a knot in it to be safe.

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I understand that, but I just like to live dangerously.

It’s no fun when you aren’t afraid that the loop will untangle itself when you throw.

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I also do this #

Leaving your bearings alone, cutting your tails to a practical length and refusing to be concerned with how your string is wound all sound like pretty weird habits to me.




Dang, turns out thinking what I was doing was normal was actually weird.


I’ve been wondering lately if it would be best to leave string unwound and hanging loose when putting a yoyo away. Leaving it on a yoyo is sort of like leaving your hair in curlers.


As a cat owner, this would NOT be possible for me. Haha!!


one of my cats favorite toys is old yoyo strings (playing string is probably my #3 passtime behind yoyos and wow), so its very dangerous to even prep new strings with him in the room lol


If swallowed the string can he very harmful to animals.


Have had a couple scares with my cat and string - as mentioned it’s super dangerous if they swallow a string of any length as it can get wrapped around their organs and can kill them. I used to leave my yoyos and strings totally out, but now I make sure both are put away and not accessible.


I’m kind of paranoid about strings and bags and small objects with toddlers around so I do my best to avoid leaving yoyo string or anything else that can cause death or damage within reach of little hands. My wife noticed that our two year old had a rubber band tightly around her ankle one day. Even that could have been life altering if not life ending.


yeah strings dont get left out, even the cut pieces go straight in the trash. playing string is essentially the string wrapped around my finger like normal and walk around the house wiggling it around while my cat chases me lol, its super fun. the only real danger is him wanting to play as i’m stringing up a new yoyo, possibly dinging the throw or dinging him in the process lol


I have started to tie a bowline knot for my finger loop. I do not know why. I believe it is a smaller knot and the safty knot is positioned more out of the way.


I haven’t cleaned a bearing in like 4 years .


I undo the slipknot whenever I put a yoyo down because when I don’t I usually find myself frustrated for 10 seconds trying to undo a tiny twisted mess when I decide to pick up that yoyo again.