Weird thing happened to finish on my Shutter

The Shutter was my first unresponsive metal yoyo and I bought it in 2017 - it has a lot of nostalgia for me. It is one of the shutters with the 2016 National Champ label on it and it has a really flat matte finish on it.

About 3 weeks into playing with it, the finish on one half became shiny, polished and slick feeling (even in the cup) while the other half, to this day, remains matte like when it was new (hard to photograph but pic attached).

At the time I thought it was weird but I didn’t know how finishes aged so I didn’t ponder it further. Well now that I own over 30 yoyos, I haven’t seen this happen with any of my other throws and I also think it is very confusing given that the texture is mostly due to the blasting under the ano and not the ano itself. :thinking: Since then the ano on that side has gradually become lighter in colour but the other side is still unchanged.

Has anyone else observed this kind of thing happening to a blast finish? @yyfben2.deactivated have you ever seen this before? I am le confused…


It might be anodizing from lots of usage, but idrk if it’s not that.

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Looks like it was never blasted at all

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Hmmmm… well originally both sides were matte. :man_shrugging:

This is like my dream. I want all of my yoyos annodization to wear down from how much I play them

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