No rational person has cause to object to your removing your ring because you have reason to believe it will otherwise be lost, stolen, or damaged. Or for medical or safety reasons.
Plenty of men (and women) remove their wedding rings all the time for perfectly valid reasons. You have a perfectly valid reason. It’s not like you’re pawning your wedding band so that you can afford to take a hooker to a motel room. (My apologies if my comment is deemed inappropriate, but I wanted to make the point clearly.)
As for your father-in-law never having removed his wedding band since the day of his wedding, hey, good for him. But in the final analysis, it’s the strength of your marriage that matters. The number of hours your ring can stay on your finger before you remove it is a meaninglessly trivial statistic.
So, tell me, do you find that you love your wife less, and value your marriage less, when you remove your wedding band for some legitimate reason? Do you feel that removing your wedding band disrupts some sort of magic, that is needed to sustain your marriage?
I’m right handed and always leave my wedding ring on. its never caused me any problems. Mine is gold and unlikely to do or receive much damage yoyoing anyways.
Not everyone can do it, but my wife and I do try to keep our rings on at all times and so far neither of us has had them off yet since we’ve been married. Its not because of a belief in magic that we keep our rings on, its just more romantic that way. If you’re not into romance, your loss.
This is the saddest thing I’ve ever read on the yoyo forums. I’m sorry if your marriage or life sucks so much that you have withdrawn into a pile of hatred, but marriage is wonderful and a good relationship with your spouse is one of the best parts of life. I hope yours gets better.
My dad only wore his for a couple years. But when my parents started our factory, because it is a candy (food) manufacturing plant, you can’t wear jewelry as it is a hazard because it could fall into the candy being made or get caught in a machine.
This is the saddest thing I’ve ever read on the yoyo forums. I’m sorry if your marriage or life sucks so much that you have withdrawn into a pile of hatred, but marriage is wonderful and a good relationship with your spouse is one of the best parts of life. I hope yours gets better.
Haha. Why is this the saddest thing you’ve read? I’m not married and my life does not suck. This made me laugh. My life is awesome. It was a joke. Did marriage take away your sense of humor? You must be a female.
I think the “how sad” reaction is more down to misinterpretation. It sounded like you were saying:
Get a divorce. Marriage sucks.
I wish I had never gotten married. Marriage sucks.
I think it’s fine to never get married, even as a married guy. I’d still be with my wife right now even if she wasn’t called my “wife”. I do think one of the best things a person can do is find someone they want to spend their whole lives loving. Marriage doesn’t necessarily need to be a part of that, but I sure have no regrets. My wedding day was awesome, and it makes so much financial and legal stuff easier.
That commercial is full of lies. I use axe everyday. Body wash and deodorant. The only girl that went up to me, asked me if I had change for a $10. That’s about it.
Well i do have to say IF its his wife that is complaining that he is taking off his wedding ring to throw, there needs to be some serious evluating of his relationship with his wife. taking off your wedding ring to throw should NEVER EVER be anywhere close to being a problem. If your wife loves you the ring shouldnt matter (although we are talking about women here) dont slam me for that comment its a scientific fact women are governed by different hormones than men thats all im saying.
I know several people who are married (very happily i may add) that do not even wear rings EVER and its not a problem.
Im no psychologist (not sure i spelled that right grammar police forgive me) but this seems a bit odd to me.
If shes getting mad tell her you will wear it around your neck on a chain or something. find a compromise
My wife’s fine with it, actually. She does make pouty, but playful faces at me when I leave it on the bathroom counter. I just hope it doesn’t end up in the wash.
The only time I specifically wear mine is if we’re doing something romantic, like going out for dinner, and the only time I specifically take it off is if I’m playing with someone’s brand new $100 throw.
Other than that, sometimes it’s on, sometimes it’s off. It’s not a big deal, our relationship is big enough on its own to not need stuff to specifically bind us together. We’re almost inseparable anyway (we love hanging out together… go figure!).
It doesn’t really bother me when I play. If you watch my videos, in some it’s on, and others, off.