Warning! - Do not BST with clarencelvy!

Been really busy with life and work.

He sent me a tracking number for a yoyo that would cover my loss. Says he still wants to refund me in addition to that but he has no way of doing it. Going to look into Facebook pay when I have time.

I figure I’ll wait and see if the package arrives. The tracking says his postal service is in possession and waiting to ship.


Wow. Ok. I hope he does right by you. Thanks for the update.


In what way is there no way to refund the money? If you paid him, he can certainly pay you back. Wondering how he’s (presumably) going to handle with situations where he’s been paid hundreds of dollars.

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Seems like more stall tactics and ways for him to look favorable in a PayPal dispute. The dude is very obviously a bad person who is trying his best to still make money out of the scam.

No one has ever accidentally sold a yo-yo twice.

It’s the most common lie told by scammers in these situations.

People are entirely too nice in this community. Do you really think he’s going to send you a yo-yo that makes up for the one he was supposed to sell you?


I agree with both of you Chris and Mike. Nom matter what he does at this point he is a scammer and should not be dealt with for anything. If David is happy with the way this turns out for him then I am happy for David. There is nothing Clarencelvy can do to ever change what I think of him. There is no reason other than continuing the scam to not refund the people he owes. No time I would ever say is reasonable. If he truly wanted to make thing right with everyone he would just refund everyone their money. Right now! Not on some future date as he keeps implying. It’s a simple as that. Until that happens his is a P.O.C. scammer and everyone should avoid him like the plague.



good point, he may use the tracking number as “proof” to paypal that he shipped something. who knows what actually shows up in the box

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The tracking number isn’t proof of delivery to PayPal. Delivery and a tracking number are two different things.

I’m starting to think these scammers drag these things out to prolong them from being banned.


If there are more cases like this one, then yoyo community needs to have a couple of guarantee persons, should be well-known people


Agreed - G&S helps prevent against monetary loss but won’t get traded yoyos back. The community is great and I bet there are many reputable people who would be happy to help out as middlemen.


Yo-yo escrow?
That would add significant cost to each transaction. You would need to ship twice and presumably also need to pay this saintly-person for their time and costs of administration. Then there is that 1099k tax-thing…


If there is peer to peer buying, selling and trading there will always be a risk of scamming. You need to be safe and pay the extra for goods a services through PayPal but even then it will not be fool proof. This community has tools to make it safer. The feedback threads are super important. We just need to make sure we communicate with each other in a timely fashion. My post about this guy was the first one but there were a bunch of others that had the same thing happen. We, as a community, need to post about these issues quickly to stop them from spreading.
I wish I didn’t wait as long as I did. Maybe if I posted sooner some of you others might not have sent him money.



I’m all for accountability but isn’t a 50 post long thread ripping on a dude a bit overkill? From a completely foreign culture no less?
One day, somebody may have a legitimate excuse, like a personal catastrophe or a mental health crisis. When that happens, how will the community react if this kind of dialogue pushes that person over the edge to self harm?


Wouldn’t be such a long thread if he didn’t scam so many people.

We should absolutely show support for fellow members and it should be known this behavior is unacceptable.

I’ve seen someone called out for being a bad seller and then that person got his friends to fill the thread with 10 posts telling the original poster he was wrong, when he was in fact not wrong.

To suggest that we should take it easy on someone who has potentially put multiple people in a bad head Space from being ripped off is ludicrous.

What if someone harmed themselves after they were scammed by this guy? The possibility is much higher due to him scamming so many people


I’m not arguing against any of what you said. I think that there are much more productive ways to go about this sort of thing than speculating wildly.

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Is scamming culturally acceptable in certain countries? Or do you think there is a language gap between members from America and Singapore, where the primary language spoken is English? You’re right, we should all be more empathetic.


I think the facts are this:
Some people purchased some yoyos.
They did not get those yoyos in a timely manner.
The seller has made some promises that have not been fulfilled.

Everything else is speculation.
I’m not saying that you or anybody is wrong, just that people seem to be jumping to conclusions.

I bring up the cultural issue because in some places, an accusation, even if untrue, can result in complete ostracization or punishment. Also, it adds barriers to communicating and resolving the issue.

I feel like you are putting words in my mouth. I am saying nothing except that which I have written.

The OP said he’s been waiting a month for his yoyo(s) to be shipped. Someone else said the seller is shipping him a “different” yoyo to make up for not sending the first. I believe someone else said the seller had sold the same yoyo to more than one person.

I don’t understand who you think is speculating?


When a seller sells the same items to multiple people we are talking a whole different thing. And no. I don’t see any problem with calling out someone who has done what clarencelvy has done. One post or 1000 posts. What he did to many people is wrong. Calling him out is not wrong.


Fully agree. He needs to be put on blast and realize there are potential consequences for his dumb actions


You are correct, I should be more clear. This thread is speculative.

Although there is some rather harsh speculation:
“The dude is very obviously a bad person who is trying his best to still make money out of the scam.”
“It’s the most common lie told by scammers in these situations.”
“Until that happens his is a P.O.C. scammer and everyone should avoid him like the plague.”
Those are just some examples.

Meanwhile there is ample evidence that this person is not merely a fly-by-night scammer like many that we have seen before.
Their account here is quite old.
They seem to have some established presence in Singapore.
There is one poster in this thread who says that they have traded with this person successfully.
There is clearly some negotiation and discussion happening elsewhere that isn’t being shared.
This guy’s name is on a large public thread and the accusation is serious. That should be taken seriously.

I’m sorry. Maybe it’s just that I find this whole thread negative and embarrassing. I’m going to drop out of this discussion because I can only handle being bummed out so much in one day. Take that as you will. I hope this whole situation gets resolved.

I am sorry if I made anybody feel like I wasn’t taking them seriously.

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