Howdy. Im looking for a General Yo - Majesty - Solid Grey - Bad Azz 2020 edition to add to my yoyo collection.
Yah, yah,…I know its rare. And you can laugh if you want to and snicker…“Yah, Good luck with that, Dude.” But since I saw a review on it and a picture of it on a retailer website…I gotta have one. Heck…I even wrote Ernie about my quest and unfortunately he doesnt have an extra one sitting around the shop,
So I was hoping that maybe somebody had one…and doesnt use it much…or…maybe they just wanted to have some cash to buy a new throw and would part with it for that reason.
I believe it dropped in 2020 for $70.00. Of course I’d like unscratched and undinged…but what do you have and what are you asking for it?