As I was surfing the web, I found website talking about Synergy RIMS not Caps. RIMS. I was compelled to find out what they did and how they played. Heres a youtube video. This is the yoyo called the Synergy. It features the Synergy Rims.
Amazing. I don’t think its out yet. If it is I must have missed something…
Yeah, these protos were sold at nats before they came out with Synergy caps. I think the Synergy idea is dead. It didnt prove good for actual yoyo play, which is why they never came out with it.
Before they were sold at nats they were sold at worlds. I snagged one. It’s no good if you throw it down but when you pull start it everytime It’s fun.
They should maybe try selling the rims seperatly instead of only on yoyos. It would be pretty cool to do some of those tricks in the video once and a while.
They sold over at YYG a while back. There might be a rare one off BST… Sorry cross-posting but isnt Andre part of Infinate Illusions? The people that run YYG?