Vs forum game

i think they both apply to this guy

picture vs painting (both of the same object)

Picture. Because I have to pick, but both can be pretty awesome.

Ron Paul vs Oblahma.

There is only one candidate as far as I’m concerned, Vermin Supreme.

Wearing a boot as a hat v. Wearing a hat as a boot

Wearing… A… Hat at a boot?

Rubik’s Cube competitions Vs. Yo-yo competitions?

i love watching people try to solve rubics cubes, but yoyos have a ton more action and coolness, so yoyo competition

pirates vs ninjas


Hammer v. Screwdriver


Nintendo/ Sony

Old school-nintendo…Fighters-Sony

Old School fighters-Sega

MK vs Street Fighter

Mortal Kombat

Mac Vs. PC

Toxic waste vs. Mud

Toxic waste. Mud is boring

Wireless mouse and corded keyboard vs wired mouse and cordless keyboard.

Hmmmm …tough one!
Ima go with the wired mouse and cordless keyboard …cos you can get away easily w/o a mouse.

Apple vs Android


Me vs. You

that girl over there :o

salsa vs guacamole


Honey badger vs. Snake

Honey Badger

Solar vs Milkshake?

Solar. C3 is still underrated.

Halo 3 edition Xbox vs Halo: Reach edition.
I have this

Halo 3 edition. That game was so much better than Reach ;D

PS1 Vs. Sega Dreamcast

ps1 never played the other 1 um

scootering vs. skateboarding