So this is my first ever review, and the lucky yoyo to be on my review is vosun aethyr. Please take a note that most of the review content is from my own opinion, please don’t get offended.
Vosun Aethyr is one of low price budget metal throw, it released in 2014. Aethys is Eren Atas signature and I got an honor to have one especially yoyomania edition colorway.
Specs (I take this from vosun webpage):
Weight(g): 65.5
Width(mm) 43.6
Diameter (mm) 56
Gap Width (mm) 4.2
Bearing Size .25 x .50 x .18 in
Gap Type Fixed
Axle 10mm SUS304
This yoyo is made from 6061 aluminium, It has almost pure v-shape to improve any speed play. The hub of the yoyo has concave for fingerspin. the width, weight, diameter, just seems right to me.
Bearing and Response pad:
In my yoyo, I got kk bearing in it, I guess it’s made by vosun itself. As for the pads, it looks like OD flow groove pad coz it’s transparent, Maybe I should ask them directly. The bearing is not that loud but also not that quiet, and for the pad, it’s not too snaggy which I like it.
First throw on it, it’s smooth on the string but I can notice hairy vibe on the yoyo. When I started to land some tricks, what I feel from the yoyo is light, even the weight is 65.5g, it really feels like only 63g for me. The spin time is also good for me, could handle several tricks and left some rotations for me to bind. As for the horizontal trick, I haven’t try it because I’m still not good at that, the same with finger spin, but I bet it will perform very well. The most important thing that I notice, is when I played with this yoyo, it feels like I’m playing with a yoyo that has aluminium soda can material. I don’t know if it’s only my feeling or not, but I feel that way.
It’s a good cheap budget metal yoyo. The only thing that I could say is “You get what you pay”. I willappreciate more if you use better alloy in my opinion.Anyway this is a good yoyo for a beginner who looking for the first metal yoyo.
P.S: I will upload the pictures soon, and sorry for my broken English
and again, I hope nobody get offended because I’m trying to tell my true opinion about the yoyo