I’ve been interested in the V by sOMEThING for months now, but I have never been able to find a good review on it. So, I decided to accept the risk of picking one up. Here’s my review…
Diameter: 56.66mm
Width: 41.75mm
Gap Width: 4.5mm
Weight: 66.6g
Bearing Size: C
Response: 19mm CBC Slim Pad
Diameter: The V has an extremely comfortable and standard diameter of just over 56mm. It is just the right size for holding either in a 1a or 5a style.
Width: Another very standard spec of 41.75mm width. Not too wide, not too narrow, just perfect for a yoyo that is almost entirely catch zone. Again, another very well proven spec that is sure to please many.
Weight: Just as with the diameter and the width, the V has a very standard and middle of the road weight of 66.6g. However, the weight of a yoyo can be incredibly misleading, so more on this later
Gap Width: Man, this yoyo just keeps on with the average specs. The V has a very comfortable 4.5mm gap width. Binds aren’t super snappy, and I’d the gap to be more around 4.2mm, but you certainly won’t be getting loose binds. I found that blue pads are best for the really snappy binds that I prefer, but most people would probably enjoy some white or yellow pads. That’s the beauty of CBC pads; You can really customize the response just the way you want to.
Bearing: Just a little note here. The pictures showed that the yoyo included a konkave bearing, the description indicated that a Center Trac bearing was included, but after actually receiving the yoyo, I found a flat bearing in the yoyo. It was a very good bearing, but it was still a flat bearing. Just something to be aware of.
This yoyo is made of delrin. You see, plastic is often overlooked. For some reason, people think that metal yoyos are best because they are the best material for super rim heavy yoyos. However, in yoyos where more center weight is desired, plastic can often be a better choice. Look at the Quest. The Destiny. The Phenomizm. All incredibly agile and perform amazingly, though much differently than super rim weighted yoyos. Plastic is easy to dismiss as a cheaper alternative to metal, when really, it serves a different purpose. Keep this in mind while reading the rest of the review. I believe that this yoyo would not be as good if it was made of metal.
To me, the shape screams low walled legacy or dark magic. The rim starts off as flat, curves down, drops, and then continues the curve. It’s an extremely comfortable shape with very standard specs that hands can easily wrap around and get a really good grip. I don’t think that anyone would find this shape unpleasant.
This yoyo is a little unique in the fact that it has caps. Now, I love yoyos with caps. Not just the pogs that are frequently seen on YYJ yoyos, but actual caps with weight on them. It offers a different weight distribution that normal, allowing for some interesting play. The caps dip in and then are slightly convex for a more comfortable feel.
These caps are extremely unique in the fact that they screw on; a feature that I believe hasn’t been done before. The caps give this yoyo a snazzy look. I just can’t get enough of them. They’re a little difficult to remove, but that’s a good thing. They stay seated and don’t go anywhere during normal play.
I have noticed that after dropping the yoyo or banging it against the floor the caps may become a little loose and a rattling might be heard, but they are extremely easy to tighten back up. All you have to do is push the meat of your thumb against the cap and twist.
Under the cap is where this yoyo gets interesting. This is where the yoyo really breaks the mold. This isn’t your standard fancy rim weighted yoyo that plays just like every other rim weighted yoyo; This yoyo has considerable center weight. This gives the yoyo a very unique feeling. More on this later on in the review…
The entire yoyo, including the caps, has a subtle grooved finish, much like the trigger. It makes little zippy noises when you scratch your fingernail against it. In combination with the delrin material, the V makes for an excellent griner. However, I have noticed a slight downside to this finish. If you bang this yoyo against a hardwood floor or some paint, the color will get into the grooves and will be more difficult to remove. A wet rag will work, but you can’t just scratch it off with your fingernail.
The yellow is extremely bright and eye catching. Usually I’m not a huge fan of yellow yoyos, but it works very well for delrin. I got the one with the white caps. The black caps with the text don’t really appeal to me.
Plus, it goes perfectly with yellow duncan dice.
This is the part of the review I’ve been waiting to write.
The V is one of the best performing, as well as one of the most unique yoyos that I have ever played.
It’s difficult to decide where to start. I guess the play stems from the material and the center weight. Center weight tends to make a yoyo play more quickly, feel lighter on the string, and be more agile. This center weight compliments the lighter delrin plastic, amplifying the effects of the center weight, making the V the single most agile yoyo that I own, or have ever tried.
This yoyo screams speed and agility. The V moves effortlessly. I tend to play with center weighted yoyos which already tend to move a with less effort, and I was still a little shocked in just how little effort this yoyo took to move. No matter how fast you want to play, you will never feel like you’re pushing the yoyo or moving it faster than it wants to go. The sensation is a little difficult to describe, but is very noticeable in person.
The first time you throw it, you, may be surprised at just how little kickback this yoyo has. The longer a yoyo takes to accelerate when thrown, the more kickback is has. The V accelerates almost instantly, giving the yoyo almost no kickback when thrown. It took me by surprise how different the V feels when thrown when compared to other more rim weighted yoyos. This yoyo doesn’t have that “oomph” feel when thrown - it leaves the hand with little effort
Sadly, with the center weight comes the trade offs; The center weight takes a little away from spin time and stability.
The spin time is a little lower than other metal yoyos. With a good throw, the V will offer more than enough spin time for combos, but not as much as a rim weighted metal. I found that I had to throw a little harder to get the same amount of spin as I did out of my metals. interestingly, however, I found that this yoyo is considerably easier to throw harder than other yoyos due to the unnaturally low kickback.
The V doesn’t have incredibly stability. It’s not going to tolerate sloppy play. Initially, I had some issue with completing tricks; The V tends process under sloppy play, but it’ll spin true under accurate play. Luckily, it only took a day or two to adjust and make my play more accurate, moving away from the crutch of super stable yoyos.
The V WRECKS horizontal play. It moves just as effortlessly when spinning horizontally, making it easy to keep up speed and keep the yoyo on the same plane. Most of my horizontal tricks are much easier to pull off on the V than on my other yoyos.
The V is one of the most unique yoyos that I have ever played with. It’s incredibly agile and quick, requiring less effort to move than any other yoyo I’ve ever tried. The agility more than makes up for the trade off of spin time and stability
This is a yoyo that is difficult to recommend. With accurate and precise play, this is one of the most rewarding and best playing yoyos I have ever used. Sloppy play will make this yoyo difficult to use. If you are a confident yoyo with a good amount of skill, do not hesitate to pick it up. If you’re a beginner, you might want to pick up a different yoyo. It wouldn’t be a bad choice, but an easier to use more rim weighted yoyo might be more suited for a novice.
The V has become one of my favorite yoyos. I fell in love with it on the first throw. I haven’t placed it in my #1 spot yet, just because I haven’t had it for long. The V stands as a shining example of competition level yoyos. It’s unique, but offer pure performance and incredibly rewarding play.
Don’t be scared of the plastic. Many contests have been won with plastic yoyos. This is a plastic yoyo that performs better than pretty much every metal I’ve played with. Realise the strengths and differences that plastics yoyos offer, rather than dismissing it as a budget material.
I can’t say enough good things about this yoyo. At only $55, this yoyo is a steal. Before picking one up I’d recommend really considering this review, but I have a feeling that you won’t be disappointed. I wasn’t.
YYE link: The V – YoYoExpert