Finally getting this going, if you’re in Northern Utah and wanna show up, feel free to attend. I’m looking to make a discord server/group chat so feel free to send a DM if you plan on attending.
If you need more specific directions, The Gateway is accessible through the UTA System, and free parking is also accessible through the UTA System. Still, if you wanna be right at The Gateway, there’s parking all around.
If it ends up being a rainy day we’ll chill in some of the local shops, but as of now the plans are just to stay outside and hang out.
As for why? I couldn’t find an active Utah Yoyo Club despite my efforts.
You’re in Cali, Gingie is Utah, I’m Colorado. We got the big 3 of the West right there, gotta happen. And idk about you guys but I love Vegas, just a thought lmao
Nats at Vegas, that would be just too fun lol. @AndreBoulay can we try and make that happen? Great atmosphere, tons of room(s) for everyone, could even make a fan or two out of randoms. And on top of hanging with the boys/girls, I’d get to play $100 blackjack tables, it’s a win-win really.
Also not to get off topic here, all of you in the Salt Lake area should be coming to this meet! Sounds like a great time and if I weren’t 8 hours away I’d be in on it too
Yeah - I have run like 5 or 6 contests in Vegas over the years (most in conjunction with SkillCon) - but it was called the Las Vegas Open for awhile - last event was the Scales version which was a lot of fun in 2019.
I also think Nationals in Vegas could be a good fit - NYYL has been in talks about looking at East Coast venue first since trying to move it every two years to different part of the country.
I’m trying to make it next year no matter where it is but Vegas is like a prime location, even if you’re not 18-21 there’s still tons to do outside of yo-yoing