Urgent Prayer Request...


Although I have a Czech flag on my profile, I am actually American and me and my family are
Missionaries in CZ.

any way,

It looks like my uncle drowned when he was fishing last night.
please pray for the people searching, and all of my family.
It looks like we are flying to the states tomorrow.
Just keep this situation in your prayers. :-\


czyoyo :wink:

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I’m so sorry man. That’s absolutely awful. I’ll be thinking of him.

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Im so sorry

I’ll keep him in my prayers.

Although I don’t know what its like to lose a love one, i got feelings for ya.

Everything happens for a reason,just rember that :’(

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The funeral already happened and my cousins are doing very good and are trusting in God. :-\ :slight_smile:

im an athiest but thats terrible… i hope that you and your family is dealing with it ok

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Sending out thoughts and prayers to you and your family!

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Your uncle and family are in my thoughts.

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ill keep him in my prayers

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