UNPRLD Reduction: top-notch EDC

IMO, the UNPRLD Reduction sits along side the TiVayder as an exemplar of the perfect EDC throw.

I just love its shape, which is nearly identical to the C3 Astrea, which I also love. One could almost describe it as a monometal Astrea, they are that similar. And at 66.1g the Reduction has the power and solid feel of the Astrea, but without the bi-metal price.

For some, a 54x43x66 yoyo isn’t small enough—or “mid-size” enough—to be considered an EDC, but for me it is a yoyo that I can see going anywhere and everywhere and never failing to deliver on a satisfying yoyoing experience.

This is my first UNPRLD. I generally don’t care for how wide and/or heavy their throws tend to be, so I’ve stayed away from them. But the Reduction is sized just right for me, and its 4.47mm gap is perfect. Like, One Drop perfect.

At only $45 I can’t say enough good things about this yoyo. I would love it if UNPRLD released it in gold someday.


I have exactly the same and love love love it!