Unpopular Yoyo Opinions

I prefer “Two Cones and a Bearing”
So ART can be ATCR


Unpopular opinion: if you’re buying a yoyo for over 100 you’re probably not getting what you’re paying for (except maybe comp bimetals but the prices on those are going down too)


What do we think we are paying for?


feel and performance

And why are they not getting the ‘feel and performance’ that they believe they are paying for?

Quoting as they are your words.

EDIT - I have no interest in badgering you. However, to position that others do not understand what they are purchasing is interesting. Don’t you think?

Which is why this is an unpopular opinion.
You’re not going to get much more stability out of a draupnir than you are out of a Haymaker X or Flashback.
Believe it or not, expensive organics don’t play like they cost over 100.

Basing a yoyos playability on the price tag is overrated. My opinion, probably unpopular.


Unpopular opinion: you own too many yoyos


Well, I suppose the corollary to that ought to be: Expensive yoyos aren’t priced strictly according to how they will play.

Quite a number of brands have yoyos that are substantially more expensive than similar models from other manufacturers for any number of reasons: lack of volume production, higher labor costs, ability to capitalize on reputation/mystique, and so on.

I think most folks who pay north of $100 for a yoyo understand that there are numerous factors that go into the price, with performance and feel only being two of them. I sincerely doubt they have any illusions about what they are getting for their money.


For example, how pink it is.


This doesn’t make sense. Stability and your prescription of performance isn’t what everyone thinks they are buying should they choose to purchase a yoyo priced over $100? Do they want stability and performance when they buy a Draupnir? Do they want the cachet of owning that yoyo? Do they like the colour?

And no, I don’t believe that you have an idea as to what others value should they choose to buy an organic yoyo over $100.

To base a yoyo purchase upon its price alone is a folly.

As you say; your opinion is unpopular. I say it’s also condescending and foolish.


You said your not badgering him and here you are replying again and again and even downright calling him condescending and foolish for an opinion he knows that is unpopular. Quit it man. If he did want to look down on others he would make a different separate thread and not post in this thread meant for some individual’s opinions only and not meant to spark hate.


I think people are a little confused as to what constitutes an unpopular opinion. It simply means that many don’t share the opinion.

‘Unpopular’ is not synonymous with ‘wrong’.

For example: and unpopular opinion would be something like ‘Organics are the most boring type of yoyos.’ There’s nothing wrong with saying that.

A ‘wrong’ opinion would be ‘Organic yoyos aren’t good for performing modern tricks.’

The latter is wrong because it just isn’t true. There’s information there stated as fact that has evidence against it.

However, an opinion can be both unpopular and wrong.


Ouch, sir.

I did a mental exercise to help clarify my collection. There are a few reasons for collecting, as I see it. Some yoyos have sentimental value (keep those). Others you enjoy the play experience. And there are some one might collect for the sake of ownership (aesthetics, rarity, enjoyment derived from hunting something, etc…). Different players have different priorities. For instance, it seems that most pro players primarily value the play experience.

So, I organized my collection into my 10 favorite throws (in my case for the play experience), 10 throws that I enjoy owning (for various reasons), and 10 throws that I really like (often to provide variety. E.g. Oversized, undersized, organic, light, heavy, unique shape) but I would be content to cycle out as other throws took their place.

I had a hard time filling the second 2 categories, which begged the question, “What about all of the other yoyos you own?” Even though I really enjoy them, I don’t throw them enough. So, I’d rather pass them on to someone who can them.

Tldr: I do have too many yoyos, and I’m working to whittle down my collection.


Tell that to literally every finalist in any top competition


My Unpopular opinion has to be then:
You can never have to many yoyos,

maybe just not enough time to throw them all.


What if I’m going into debt cuz of all the yoyos I’ve bought? :man_shrugging:


That is a problem and you might have to yoyo a little bit less and take a Dave Ramsey course on money management.


But there’s a difference between objectively wrong and subjectively wrong, and pretty much all opinions here are just subjectively wrong in someone else’s eyes.
Debate is fine, but there is no need to call people foolish and condescending is what I’m saying, I’m sure that’s not anyone’s intent to feel superior and look down on others posting an opinion on this thread.


I’m glad someone finally said it. :wink:

But I think I would rephrase it as: Organics are profoundly over-rated.