Unpopular Yoyo Opinions

Now that I play 3a though and I care about a good looking 3a pair(color was something I didn’t care much for in 1a, if it’s cheap it’s cheap), this will probably not be the case anymore :grimacing:


Maybe we can trade dinged yoyos sometime, haha


I’d be down! :joy:

Unpopular opinion:


I don’t like this thread and I will try my best to not to touch it ever again. It started as a formal debate but the discussion now is downright silly. Anything that could be said about this topic has been said (multiple times). I wish this thread stopped. The circularity of the opinions there actually go kinda against the forum’s attitude of healthy discussion.


But did you change his mind tho?


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I dunno, seeing one of the One Drop principals start a poll on preferred concave bearing type based on that topic… was quite an eye opener to me. I think believe it or not, minds are slowly being changed. :exploding_head:

Also you gotta realize changing people’s minds is like the hardest job there is, it is basically impossible. It can take DECADES to truly change someone’s mind about something, particularly if it is integral to their conception of who they think they are as a person.


About three years ago my mind was changed about nutrition. And not just a mild nudge, but a somewhat radical shift. Decades of previously held beliefs were replaced almost over night in the face of newer, more accurate information.

When minds are open and beliefs are based on facts, they can be changed when presented with newer, better information. When minds are closed or beliefs are based on personal preferences or the intense pressures of social acceptance, they are unlikely to be changed willingly.


This is important. The problem is, most people aren’t willing to actually listen. First you have to open your mind and accept that you’re not always right

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It all depends on what belief you are trying to change and how open to reason the person is.

I know my mind can be changed pretty easily if it’s clear I am wrong and the other person’s idea makes more sense.


This. Some held beliefs are seriously hard to shake, and while I am a trained scientist I still find that I am unwilling to budge my opinion at times, especially at the heat of the moment. I have found that ive lost “debates” in the past while refusing to admit my defeat, but after sleeping on it and mulling it over (sometimes for months), ill generally gravitate towards the more plausible/factual.

As for the bearing debate, I see both sides. I strongly disagree with those who think the difference is practically imperceptible or inconsequential though. Unless you have been throwing the same trick for years, centering bearings are definitely more resistant to tilt. This might not be the feel you are looking for however, and I love throwing organics with flats because of the more responsive tilt control.


Late to the party here but do people really dislike speed play? Speed combos and simple flashy tricks are pretty much all I ever practice. Plus they get all the oohs and aahs when street performing. Maybe I just yoyo for different reasons than most others.


I love speed play! It’s probably just an asian thing :joy:


I’m not Asian and I love speed


Is South Asia Asian enough?

And horizontal :drooling_face:

Well obviously Glen if the question is “do you like the movie Forrest Gump” that is an easier opinion to change than “do you believe in gun control”. I am clearly referring more to the latter than the former.


this is hilarious



This is exactly why I started collecting one drops. If it’s not a one drop I don’t keep it unless I “love” it. I would probably be homeless or require marriage counseling if I kept every yoyo I thought was just pretty good.


Most people probably disagree, so here’s my “unpopular” opinion,
Gentry isn’t a meta player
He’s said so himself and if you watch he kinda isn’t