Unpopular Yoyo Opinions

If a yoyo’s “personality” could be defined as the combination of its aesthetics and feel in play, then I’d say that One Drop yoyos have a personality most compatible with my own. There’s just something about them that feels right to me. Even though One Drop isn’t putting out extreme competition-oriented designs, or pushing the design envelope so much, they are nevertheless putting out designs that consistently look and play exactly the way I want a yoyo to look and play. Even yoyos I didn’t expect to like that much I ended up really liking. It’s kind of uncanny, actually.


How so? I am definitely a self-proclaimed one drop fanboy.

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Yeah it’s definitely that signature feel.

I also find that OD’s stationary stability is particularly impressive. Their yoyos always seem to be more stable than you’d expect from looking at it

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Oh you said you didn’t like their throws just the past 2 years, I misunderstood

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Correct. I haven’t seen anything by them lately that I’ve crawled up the walls with anticipation for.

There are one or two One Drop yoyos from every year between 2013 - 2019 that I really, really like, except for 2015 which was like a Year Without a One Drop for me. That’s pretty amazing consistency, I’d say.

Yeah clyw really fell off for me when I came back. Back in late 2000s and early 2010s they had real good designs. They lost their spark after the summit/chief era IMO. Picked up a peak 2 when it released but that’s it from new clyw.


I actually like the new CLYW I own more, but i feel like that should be the norm. The quality has gotten better compared to when I got their stuff in the past. I owned or played with a majority of their line up prior to 2013 and they were good for the time but don’t hold up to today’s standards. The Kayak I own is so much better than the older stuff ( I still own a couple older ones to directly compare to) it’s mind boggling.

I haven’t tried much of the newer stuff, only a YYF and a Skyyva besides the Kayak, but the Kayak is so much fun and just feels incredible.

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I feel like, at this point, I’m the only one who couldn’t careless about the ti-vayder.

Please don’t hate me! :pleading_face:


Wait so you are able to care less about it?


lols it’s too early for me to be posting! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not unpopular at all. Although certainly hyped, I really do not care for it. It just doesn’t hit the specs I prefer.


You can rate how good your unpopular opinion is by how few likes you get


I think it’s an awesome design and awesome idea, but I’m in the same boat as you right now because I’m trying to save my yoyo budget for worlds, and I have a titanium throw already and feel like I don’t need another one.


I feel like some yoyos feel like their spec sheet, but quite a few really don’t. From the first throw, my Muse felt really heavy and catchable but looking at the spec sheet, it’s only 65g and 44m wide. I tried at some point to pinpoint the specs I liked, but have since given up and decided to focus more on how comfortable the shape is and how much midweight the yoyo has, as I believe midweight helps with maneuverability and feeling light.


This right here is correct, Pizza Hut is great


The thread on the ti-vayder is the only thread on this forum i don’t check out :laughing:


Gosh dang it! lol
Same for me! I kept skipping it as I just wasn’t interested in this yo. I collect pretty much green only throws, am WAY over budget on throws as is, and knew that being a titanium, it was gong to be way more than I’m wanting to spend on a single throw.

So then after posting here in this thread…I decided to open the ti-vayder thread just to see how much it was going to cost out of curiosity.
Damn it all! One thing led to another and now I feel like I HAVE to get my hands on one of these things! haha…I’ve done SO good at avoiding all hype around this throw!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go dig up some stuff from some of my other hobbies to go sell on ebay! haha xP


you could put together a rig to anodize the ti green yourself :rofl:

edit: Dylan Kowalski has a great video on this


The only reason i skip it is because it’s so damn long. I don’t want to have to read it all to understand what’s going on.