Unidentified yoyo

Can anyone help identify this Yoyo?
I can upload more photos, but I have very little information.

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I’ve seen this yo-yo before but in a different color, I just can’t remember what it was at the moment unfortunately

Ace yo A10?

Similar but that one is a bit different

Another identification. Any

one know anything about this?


Wow! No idea, that’s really cool though!

I thought it would play poorly, because of the drag, but it doesn’t.

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Any chance of a profile picture?

Your wish is my command. I wish there were a way to polish it, but it doesn’t polish for me.


Man, that’s a wild yo-yo, it could probably be polished with an abrasive compound of some sort and a Dremel or something similar but I’d be afraid to mess it up somehow myself, looks relatively delicate

Could it be the yoyo recreation savage?


Looks closer but still different, leads me to think it is from them though

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I just tried with jewelers rouge and cloth. There was no difference and it seems rather delicate. It is probably just pot metal.

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Oh gotcha ok, still super cool and I’ve never seen one like it, I’m sure someone out there must know something about it

Looks like a 3d printed metal yoyo.


That’s a freshly dirty with the new stem design. It’s printed steel.


Thats awesome!

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Its a Freshly Dirty 3D printed Metal yoyo using there new Stem System, was sold at US Nationals. I think it was called the Lotus :lotus:


Thank you.

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I think I saw that at freshly dirtys booth at nationals.