Unboxing A $1000 Yo-Yo

I’m going to be the second one then :raised_hand:. It is hard to see the details of the throw! There isn’t any closeup takes to show the true details of it. The black light makes awesome effects with the string but for a review, IMO, you want to see the yo-yo not the glowing string :rofl: (kind of a Star Wars scene where you just see the lightsaber).

Bottom line, perhaps some closeup takes with more light would make it look even better!


I haven’t posted a review yet. The review wont come until later after I play it a fair amount, so If you are referring to the anglam unboxing, its just an unboxing/ 1st impression video. The lighting I use in my videos isn’t a black light they are blue leds. But you are right, I did fail to get close ups in the unboxing as I was just so excited to get it open since it had already been out my house for days. I will go a tad brighter with the lighting in the yoyoing scenes in future videos and make sure to get more close ups in unboxing/ reviews. Thank you for the feedback my friend.


This thread has grown old very, very fast but will probably still be in the top 5 threads in October. It’s a yoyo.

There is a dropdown allowing you to mute the thread – you’ll never see it again, if you want.


I was wondering if there was something like that