Uhm idk what to buy

So my price range is anywhere beetween like 20$ to 120$ some things i want are -jds shutter
-offset yoyo outlier 2
-offset yoyo deviant
-bi metal shutter
-magic yoyo zo1 focus
-yyf godspeed
-yyf edge ultimatum
So yeah just let me know what the best bang for my buck is cuz im lost :laughing:


Not to self-promote, but if you like the looks and specs…try a YYWS Redacted.

If you’ve never tried one of our yoyos, the Redacted is a great place to start!


Yeah honestly surprising there are still some Redacted in stock, good choice indeed :+1:


Ok thanks ill look into it


I can second the Redacted. Great yo-yo.
I’ve got a review on it here:


The only throw on your list that I own is the JDS Shutter so I’ll only comment on that one.

I got mine for a great deal here on the BST and while I’m very happy with it for the $35 I paid, it wouldn’t be my first choice in the ~$60 range.

It’s a good throw and gets regular playtime but in that price range I consider my Graviti Vulcan ($65), YYF K.O. ($50) or Basecamp Expedition ($50 I think) to be more worth the money.



Yeah i was looking into the basecamp it looks pretty cool

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I think you would need to clarify what you are most comfortable with in terms of specs . Do you like wide YoYos ? Thinner YoYos ? Do you like heavy or light ? Do you like larger diameter or smaller diameters ?

Wide (like H or V) somewhere in the middle weight range and large diameter

Actually the perfect yoyo for me would be the terrain or whatever its called they just dont have the one with black spikes


You could always just get one and then buy some black spikes (and other SE’s because they are fun) whenever they do a restock.


Jds shutter. Its not small but its not larger nor wider. Has great spin time for the new weight distribution. I recommend jds shutter for sure. Bi metal shutter is a cool second option. Little bit wider for landing hops and whips. Off list recommendation since they are available on few websites. On yyExpert they are on sale: Krown 6061. This yoyo took me by surprise. The spin power was insane; with that speed comes a great bind that happens after a long spin time. Great sandblasted fingers grinds. I bought 5 now since its cheap and so ‘badace’.
Hope this helps. Good luck.

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Oh yeah didnt think if that :roll_eyes:

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Thanks ill probably pick one up

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